Hi Friend,
     Here are your Wednesday words of peace and inspiration. 
Ever been so overwhelmed with things to do, that you just sit and do nothing?
Ever struggle to make it through the day after having multiple mental break downs? 
     If you're nodding your head yes right now, it's ok because you are not alone. I've been there, more times than I care to share out loud (and I'm a wellness professional!)  I see you Friend, on your grind. You are crushing it! Making moves not just for you but your loved one's too. You've probably been told by folks to “make sure you put yourself first." Too true, but how do you do that with everything you have going on? You literally have to build blocks of time into your schedule for you, the same way you pencil in that 9am staff meeting, or 4:30pm soccer practice for the kids. 
1. Start and end your day with at least 10 uninterrupted minutes:
Prioritize this time, even if you have to get up a little earlier or go to sleep a little later. Start a calming routine or ritual. Some love the process of preparing coffee, making their bed, taking a hot shower. I love to stretch in my bed. 
*Pro tip: this is not the time to check you todo list. Nothing work related. This is your personal mind setting time. This sets the tone for your entire day.
2. Start setting goals within goals:
Experts say you get more done and feel more accomplished by focusing on 3 main tasks to complete in the day. (There are levels to this Sh$%)
3. Don't skip lunch:
Or any meal for this matter. I'm guilty of working through lunch, BUT this is just like those 10 minutes in the morning/ evening: mental time to unplug and reset your mood. 
4. Set clear boundaries:
Let folks know when you are taking YOUR TIME: “I'm taking my 10 minute break,” “Mommy need's 10 minutes, I'll set the timer”, “We can finish this discussion after lunch.” Communicating is Key. As you begin to set these boundaries you'll find more supportive folk step forward, and less understanding folk take a step back. *Pro tip: You want boundaries, they are your friend!
5. Move more:
Intuitive movement is best. Trust, I felt silly at first, but now I really am comfortable stretching, breathing deeply, and forward folding in public. When I need it, I do it. Pencil in time to move on your schedule. It's another something that won't happen unless you make it. 
6. Lastly, have your people:
I mean like-minded folk, who are working towards the same balance in life. They will support you, motivate you, remind you to care for yourself, check in to make sure you're not overwhelmed. *Pro tip: HI! I'm one of your people. I'm here to lift you up Friend. I got you! 
Let me know how these building blocks and tips work for you. *Hit me up on VOXER. I'd love to keep in touch on more of a regular basis. Add me: Fabienne Beard-Wright
Xx, Fabienne