Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to the first month of my monthly newsletter! If you received this email, you opted in via social, have gotten a reading with me in the past year, we've collaborated or your'e my great pal. You can opt out /unsubscribe at anytime (scroll to bottom of page to click) but I promise to keep this content heavy and a treat. This is my gift to you that I hope you find yourself looking forward to. I have been feeling a little turned off by Instagram lately and wanted to have more of an intimate sharing experience (that didn't involve imposter accounts pretending to be me… I digress). 
I can guarantee there will be grammatical errors - sorry to my virgo placement friends ;)
You'll receive this email on the 1st of each month (Alexa, play “Wake up, wake up, wake up, it's the first of the month (clickable link)” (by Bone Thugs), They all will include my “monthly big 3” :
  1. Current month's numerology w/ explanation
  2. The Tarot card I pull for the month w/ explanation
  3. Astrology dates to jot down w/ brief 1 liners (not too much info - if you want breakdowns of that - my social and Astro Curious hold those keys. This is more for having them all on one place so you can add them to your calendar type of deal)
They will also likely include, but not consistently, random thoughts that live in my brain, life updates, collective messages / themes I am noticing, cool things other people are doing that I want to highlight, cool things I am doing that I want to highlight, and I may trickle in some fave things like books and other schtuffs. 
kk… onto the content! But first a heads up - since this is the inaugural newsletter, it's gonna be a little longer - gotta explain the ropes to y'all throughout! 
November kicks off smack in the middle of eclipse season! So, I want to take a moment to discuss eclipses. Eclipses fall on 10/25 in Scorpio & 11/8 in Taurus but are felt the two weeks before and after those dates. So, we are in “eclipse season” until the 11/23 Sagittarius new moon. Eclipses, in a simplified explanation, are times when the new & full moons (which happen every month) are jacked up on steroids and shove us, ready or not, onto a karmic path. A lot of change happens for everyone around eclipses. Some of us experience them in more internal parts of our lives - emotional healing, starting a therapy or spiritual practice, breaking patterns or habits, etc. And some of us experience them more outwardly, in obvious ways - think moving, job changes, relationship status changes, trips, schooling, etc. It all depends on our personal charts. Eclipses happen every 6 months. They occur 3x in the same 2 signs before moving onto 2 new signs. Because they happen in the same signs 3x (over 18months), they build upon each other. Think back to 4/30 & 5/15 (+ two weeks before and after) - this was the last round of eclipses in Taurus / Scorpio axis. Notice any themes coming back around from that time?
It's also Mars Retrograde time - check out /scroll through the astro tea HERE 
Intuitive Message I got for Eclipse Season :
“Don't be afraid to abandon the path that is aligned with the unaligned you.”
What path / area of life are you stubbornly defending that is no longer aligned if you were to be honest with yourself? If you’re afraid to abandon a belief, path, relationship, job bc you’re “in too deep”… It’s never too late to be more happy. 
Now onto my “Monthly Big 3”
November is an 8 month in Numerology 
November is a universal 8 month (I will spare you the number breakdown, just trust, lol). In Numerology 8 is ABUNDANCE. All of the hard work of the previous months are about to be seen, manifested and realized in the material world. So I do hope you were woking on 'good stuff'. The focus this month is personal power, self confidence and a 'knowingness' that you will get what you want. You will want to put a lot of energy into your career, work and goals. Business is big in an eight month. It is very important to be focused, realistic and goal orientated. Rapid movement forward is yours if you are all the above. You'll notice that each month kind of ebbs and flows from inward to outward. This is an outward month! Get it done, take action, take the risk, embody confidence - even if you don't feel super confident, fake it to you make it - other people don't know the difference and are likely faking it too ;)
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.
* some info pulled from my little numerology book I got when I was in Bermuda for a NYE by a gal named Jen Young
Card of the month
made it.
6 of wands 
The 6 of Wands is a card of success and accomplishment. It feels like November comes with the recognition and support you deserve. If you've been going through a rough time over the past couple of months, it feels like you are turning a corner. It's time to embrace a new found confidence by stepping into leadership in an area of your life. This eclipse season may be bringing you a new job, a completion to a goal/project, a new support system or a new found confidence. It has been hard earned - bask in it! If you often have a hard time celebrating wins, moving quickly into what is next, this card is a reminder to take a moment to be proud. Treat yourself!
I love the combo of this card with the 8 month energy - rewards, abundance and moving forward!!
Astrology of the month
***10/30 - 1/12/22 - Mars Retrograde in Gemini - watch the verbal slays, go into learning mode, find your voice / confidence
11/2 - Moon enters Pisces - reflect, hermit, feel, heal
11/5 - Venus opposite Uranus - try something new, Venus = love & money, Uranus = surprises, Opposition = tense
11/4 - Moon enters Aries - initiate, follow your gut, move your body
11/6 - Moon enters Taurus - get grounded, activate the senses
***11/8 - Total Full Moon Solar Eclipse 16 degrees Taurus  
11/9 - Moon enters Gemini - dabble, learn, express yourself
11/10 - Venus Trine Neptune - swoon, flirt w/ life, meet-cute time
*11/11 - Portal day & Moon enters Cancer - listen to your intuition, tend to your environment, self care
11/14 - Moon enters Leo - play, express your creative side
11/15 - Venus Trine Jupiter - luck is on your side, abundance, watch out for over indulgence 
*11/15 - Venus enters Sagittarius - be bold, explore, expand, plan a trip
11/16 - Moon enters Virgo - get organized, get shit done, health
11/16 Mercury trine Jupiter - ah-ha moments, pan out & focus on big picture goals, inspiration, write/express
*11/17 - Mercury enters Sag - bluntness, truth slaying, think big
11/18 - Sun Sextile Pluto - step into your power, deep dive 
11/19 - Moon enters Libra - notice if your relationships of all kinds feel in balance
*11/19 - Mars retro square Neptune - beware of deception, confusion (felt a few days surrounding)
*11/20 - Sun trine Jupiter - One of the luckiest days - say “yes”, attract, abundance
11/21 - Moon enters Scorpio - connect to your higher self, uncover what you crave, do witchy things
*11/22 - Sun enters Sagittarius - aka Sag season!
**11/23 - Moon enters Sag, New moon in Sag + Jupiter goes direct - luck from past efforts coming full circle, optimistic & expansion
11/24 (thanksgiving) - Mercury trine Chiron - healing conversations, seek understanding
11/25 - Moon enters Capricorn - ambition, goals, get it done
11 / 27 - Moon enters Aquarius - community, collaborate, get involved 
*11 /28 - Mars trine Saturn - passion meets purpose, energy to get long term goals going
11 29 - Mercury opposite Mars - watch the verbal slays & defensiveness from you and others, think before you speak
11 / 29 - Moon enters Pisces - salt bath, journal, hermit, therapy sesh, meditate, Netflix in cozies 
(*) = the more asterisks, the more important / more potent 
That's the quick and dirty astrology! Want a more in depth look into it all and how it impacts you specifically? You can always book a 1:1 reading with me or come to my moon events ($15) where I deep dive the above and show you how to find where it's impacting your chart! 
Announcements :
Human Design Workshops Nov 6th & 13th - I am hosting a 2 part Human Design workshop. 1pm - 2:30pm cst. Held on Zoom and recorded to reference back. Grab a spot on my booking link HERE
Book a Reading - I release my schedule on the 3rd Monday of each month. If there is no availability, that means I am booked for November. Check back on 11/21 - mark your calendar as they go quickly. Booking link HERE.
Portland, OR in person readings - I am starting to take in-person readings at Psychic Sister in Portland, OR (my favorite store in the whole US). 
Join Astro Curious - My baby, my monthly membership where moon events are included + community, meditations, big discounts for workshops, direct access to me, tons of spiritual insights (human design, numerology, etc. and of course astrology updates!). If you dig spirituality, this is your place. JOIN HERE 
Astrocartography workshop (recording of previous workshop) - HERE  
On a personal note : 
The eclipses got me good this time - this month I am uprooting my whole life and moving from Chicago to Portland to be with my Mom who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It has been the hardest couple of months of my life but I am in trust and surrender mode. I love my life in Chicago - it isn't easy to say goodbye to at all. But the idea of loosing my mother? WAY HARDER. I want to thank every single one of you for supporting me and my business throughout the years. I am SO lucky that I have a job that I truly love and it remains a bright spot in my life throughout this hard time. I hope you all are doing okay and are getting the support that you need - know that you have it from me. 
PS - if any of you know any cool people in Portland, OR - hit a gal up! I have no friends yet :)
Thank you for making it to the end of my novel! Cheers to navigating November's energy!
Have a lovely month ahead,
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