A quick PSA: My waitlist for one-on-one coaching opens next week!
If you're interested in working together, please keep an eye out for my email.
Now let me tell you about my night out last week, First name / -

My friend Elisa texted me if I wanted to watch The Killers concert and right away, these are my thoughts:
“Oh, but I’m old.”
“That’s late.”
“And, and I only know 2 of their songs…” (apparently I actually know way more!)

But I decided to push myself out of my old-lady comfort zone and replied: “What time should we meet?”
(Also, I love my friends.)

So I went with in my high waisted jeans, black t-shirt, and leather jacket – the most Friday-night-concert vibe outfit I have in my closet – and we ended up having the BEST. NIGHT. EVER!

As a life and business coach, people always ask me:
“How do I network?”
“How do I make new friends as an adult?”
“How do I take a risk in my business?”

The answer is simple: 
It all starts with a big fat YES, putting on your strong and independent lady pants, and getting out of your comfort zone.

Sometimes you’ll find the best connections you make are with people we don’t only talk work or business with.

Often the best nights are the last minute plans we didn’t spend too much time thinking about.

Taking risks in life and business has always been a huge part of learning and growing – failure is relative. 
Just like toddlers, with every bump and bruise, you gain a new perspective. It's perspective that takes you to another level.

So here’s to giving yourself a gentle nudge, saying yes more often, and having loads of fun – no matter what age or however late it puts you to bed!
Tell me, what's the most fun you've had recently? 
xx, Leah
PS. Don’t forget the waitlist for my 1:1 coaching opens next week! The next time you see my email, you know what to do. (Hint: sign up!)

PPS. Know someone who might be interested in coaching? Please forward my newsletter to them! Thank you in advance.

In case you missed it, here's where I've been in the media recently:
Read the article, ‘I Love Your Shoes’: At Work, Compliments Between Women Are a Minefield, and let me know what you think! Don't have a subscription? Hit reply and I'm happy to send you the pdf!

I’m honored to be written up as one of Brooklyn Eagle's amazing women! Find me here.
“Leah Wiseman Fink has tips for entrepreneurs about getting into the right mindset, finding the right clients, and reminds us all that ‘money is not a dirty topic’!” Listen here.

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