Hey First name / friends!
This month we’ve been talking about how to sell your art online. You’ve learned how to sell your art online with print on demand, how to design mockups, and now it’s time to talk about marketing your art! 

One of my favorite ways to share my work is on Instagram! I get a lot of questions about how to promote your artwork and products, and social media is a great place to start. I actually have a whole class dedicated to growing your creative business on Instagram.
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Instagram is always changing and evolving, but right now the best way to get more eyes on your art is through video content and Reels. I want to challenge you this week to make a Reel of your art and share it on Instagram!
#CreateWithCatCoq - Peacock
This week’s illustration prompt is inspired by one of my most popular Reels on Instagram sharing my process of painting a peacock with metallic watercolors. Draw your own peacock and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #CreateWithCatCoq. Bonus points if you share it as a Reel! 
What's New on Society6
My porcelain animal collection is growing! I recently added a porcelain pup to go along with my floral cat! I’m loving these floral animal illustrations, and you can shop all the color palettes in my Society6 store.
(Pssssst…. There just might be a class related to these illustrations coming VERY soon! Keep your eyes on your inbox to be the first to know when my next class launches!)
New Collaboration with Anthropologie
I’m thrilled to announce my newest collaboration with Anthropologie! I’ve been dreaming of having my artwork in Anthro since I began my art licensing career. 
Six years ago, I turned down an opportunity to create a collection of phone cases sold through Anthro. The deal was through a middle-party phone case company and they were adamant that my signature be stripped from the designs.
I told myself that if I was going to get a placement in Anthropologie, it would be on my own terms with my integrity as an artist intact. So I walked away from that deal.
And six years later, it finally happened! The moral of the story is not to be afraid to say no to things that don’t feel right. It’s a hard choice to make, but I’m so glad I did. This is such a better win.
I’m excited to see your Reels and peacock illustrations this week! Don’t forget to share them on Instagram with the hashtag #CreateWithCatCoq so I can like, comment, and share!
And speaking of Reels…if you haven’t met CornNut, the adorable feral cat who lives in my neighborhood in Thailand, let me introduce you
I hope you have a fabulous week!
xo, Cat
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