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the subject line in my inbox popped up and I clicked right away, curious to see what my bloodwork looked like this year.

I'd had the same labs done exactly one year earlier when I was newly postpartum, so I was excited to see if there were any significant changes over that 12 month period.

some of the levels showed some fluctuation, but my eyes were drawn to one marker in particular:

my vitamin d levels had DOUBLED from the year before.

"can that be right?" I said under my breath, pulling up my previous lab results to confirm.

sure enough, my vitamin d had skyrocketed.

I thought back over the past year, looking for some explanation for this change. I hadn't changed my sunlight exposure, and I hadn't been supplementing....

then it dawned on me:

raw milk.
I had started drinking raw milk after eating my weight in cheese all through my pregnancy with Rosie. my body craved dairy, and I tuned in and followed that instinctual pull with the highest quality local dairy I could find.

and now, a year later, the numbers were confirming what my body knew all along:

raw dairy was the very best way for me to increase my vitamin d levels.
I thought back to the hundreds and hundreds of synthetic vitamin d pills I had taken in years past as part of a fertility protocol.

10,000 iu of vitamin d a day back then hadn't made a dent in my lab results. but something as simple as incorporating raw milk into my lifestyle had made all the difference!

now I make it my mission to seek out foods high in the vitamins and minerals I lack rather than turning to a supplement first.

God designed our food to be a source of replenishment, and I love being able to see that confirmed in my own bloodwork.

to find raw milk in your area, check out
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it's the time of year where the air turns dry and our skin begs for moisture. that's why I'm loving smear this week! you know how much I love their clean tallow whip for all things moisturizer, lotion, and deodorant cream. but have you tried the smear chapstick? it's my secret to keeping up with chapped lips in the winter! get it here.
sincerely trying to be his,