Holy cow is it November already?
Studio Newsletter
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All of a sudden I'm a teacher! How did that happen?
Last week I shared with you my experience giving a lecture at 
NC State College of Design. 
Today I'd like to tell you all about my Folded Poetry workshop at Duke University through their DukeCreate series for students, faculty, and staff!
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During this September workshop I tested out my DIY kit concept and taught folks how to make their own Folded Poetry art piece start-to-finish!
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Most of the participants finished their artwork in about one hour, and the response to the workshop was overwhelmingly positive.
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While fully immersed working with their hands folding, taping, and gluing the laser-cut forms I provided, I told folks about my car crash and traumatic brain injury, and the role creating art has played in both my health and spiritual recovery. 
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This was my first-ever Folded Poetry workshop; I had some uncertainty going in, but once we had begun I could immediately feel the engagement and enthusiasm.
Below I'm cheesin' to that realization!
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All-in-all it was a fantastic experience!
Check out all the “graduates” a.k.a. Folded Poets below!
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Up Next!
On November 17th my Folded Poetry DIY kits will be available for purchase!
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I've been ideating ways to broaden my offerings, and the DIY kits are my current solution for what has historically been a high-cost entry barrier for Folded Poetry.
I've created these DIY Kits to give an educational hands-on craft experience!
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These DIY kits answer the “how does she do it?” question which comes up a lot!
The package includes a pre-measured foam board, laser-cut ready-to-fold forms, and a QR code which links to a thorough instructional video! 
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I will also be hosting a live Zoom workshop on December 26th where we will assemble our kits together over the internets!
I hope this hands-on creative experience will bring loved ones together this holiday season!
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