Be Well
A Weekly Email Filled With Wellness News and Resources to Feel Your Best
Hi friends, 
Do you ever have days or weeks where you feel more introverted than others? Like you just want to go inward, reflect, read, and generally be more quiet than usual?That's the zone I've been in lately, but I'll be honest. For a couple of days, I felt guilty for not wanting to socialize, share more on Instagram, and “hustle," especially as I'm still in the early stages of my new business and feel like I need to move at a much faster pace than I currently am. 
But then I thought of the conversations I've been having with new clients recently and something that often comes up is the idea of embracing downtime. We often get so caught up in busy-ness, that anything different feels wrong. But what if we actually listen to our bodies and give it the space and rest it needs? 
In my case, I really benefited from being offline for a few days. I got to play around with new recipes just for the sake of playing in the kitchen (and not documenting), I did a deep clean of our closets and purged multiple bags of clothes and toys for donation, and I nerded out on various health focused podcasts. It was all the things I needed to do to fill my cup. Now I feel energized and motivated, which is especially handy as I'll be on a self-directed work retreat next week. 
Speaking of which, I'll be a bit offline next week as well. This time I'll be heads down for a few days to work on my business strategy including client work and content development for my blog and newsletter. I'm excited to come back post-retreat with new ideas and resources for you!
In the meantime, I hope that you too are able to listen to your body and give it space and rest when it needs it. And if that feels hard, I share this quote from Pico Iyer from The Art of Stillness, “It’s precisely those who are busiest who most need to give themselves a break.”
Cheers to a happy and healthy weekend!
Lisa Michelle 
On My radar This Week
Each week, I share a few links to things that have inspired or intrigued me lately, mostly in the food and wellness world. If you have anything you'd like to share in this email, reply here and let me know.
In-person Events Worth Attending*
October 29th – October 31st. Brooklyn, NY
November 5th & 6th. New York, NY
November 8th. New York, NY
November 9th. Brooklyn, NY
November 13th. Brooklyn, NY
December 14th. New York, NY
I am not affiliated with these events and I may or may not not be attending them myself, but they piqued my interest so I wanted to share.
How can I help you?
Tell me, what do you want to see and read about in this newsletter? Health news? Feel good stories? Event information? More recipes? How can I best serve you? Hit reply and let me know! 
Thank you so much for being here.
xo, Lisa Michelle