You are enough.
In a season of betterment, big goals and pushing to new levels; I want to remind you that today - just as you are - You are enough.
You don’t need to lose weight to wear the dress.
You don’t need more money to have fun.
You don’t need to be more of anything to try something new. 
Don’t let the allure of a better tomorrow steal the joy your today has to offer. 

What I'm reading:
This article from Collab Fund is a quick read and worth your time.

Product I'm digging right now: Ritual Zero Proof
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I did not jump on the dry January bandwagon (moderation is the best full-time strategy for me) - BUT, my life is being blessed by this new find - alcohol and calorie-freetequila”. Threw this into a super easy margarita recipe - and it legit tasted like the real thing. 5-stars, highly recommend.
Also a great gift for a newly preggers mama that wants to have some fancy drinks without the alcohol.

Quote that's speaking to me:
"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. Success doesn't just suddenly occur one day in someone's life. Neither does failure. Each is a process. Every day of your life is merely preparation for the next. What you become is the result of what you do today." 
- John C. Maxwell (source)
I've been thinking about this theme of daily sustainable disciplines a lot lately. I especially loved my conversation on this topic with Zach Pello. Zach is my trainer and has completely flipped the way I think about fitness and nutrition. You can listen to that episode here

Remember, your goals - not fear - will determine the decisions in your life,
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