Welcome to the November issue of the Science Policy Group at UCLA Newsletter!

Upcoming events 

T-minus 7 days: California elections
Mid-terms matter! As the largest and most diverse generation alive right now, we have a chance to make a real impact on the direction of our country. Make your voice heard – Here are some resources on registering to vote and voting guides:
The voter registration deadline has passed, if you're not sure if you're registered, you can check here!

Other opportunities

Want to get MORE involved? 
here are LINKS TO resources on:
thank you for being part of the science policy group at ucla!
As always, feel free to email us to let us know about campus/community opportunities & ideas for events.
And please spread the word!

Do you have a recent Science Policy achievement? 
Email us at uclascipolgroup@gmail.com so we can brag about you!