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We are excited to share with you a NEW Launch of 
The MindFit Projects - 
Be Kind to Your Mind 6 week Challenge for Athlete's
Your mind and what you think & believe about yourself is the most powerful asset any athlete can have. It is the very thing that has the potential to separate and take you from Ordinary to Extraordinary.
Talent, hard work, determination and will power can only take you so far. Combine that with powerful MindFitness and Emotional Intelligence will lead you into the Champion Circle consistently. 
Crush the competition and build your mental fitness game with our 6 week MindFit Challenge.
Since creating the MindFit Project and launching our NEW Coaches course 3 years ago along with years of working with and studying individual athlete's and teams from a human behaviour, mindset and mental health perspective we have seen a growing demand & the importance of MindFitness and Health in Sport as equal or even more important to the physical fitness. 

What we have created encompasses scientifically proven tools and strategies to help athletes create an empowered connection with themselves, belief and certainty about what they are capable of and the ability to move through any challenge they encounter, with Mental health and wellness at the forefront of what we do. Sadly we have watched so many people leaving this earth far too soon or suffering severly and its our mission to help reduce Mental illness, suicide and youth dropping out of something they love and are skilled at too early because they don't have enough belief. 

So what is  Be Kind to your Mind for Athlete's and how will it be beneficial?
Be Kind to your Mind is a 6 Week MindFitness Challenge. Where each week for 6 weeks we send the athletes a MindFitness Workbook & Audios to do. Containing daily tasks, that will help build, confidence, daily and game rituals, mental health, wellbeing and strength to move past the challenges and build empowerment to make better decisions and belief to go after their big goals and dreams. 
Here's what you can expect:
  • Week 1: Setting Powerful Goals and Visualisations to create your Champion Focus
  • Week 2: Understanding yourself with your Athlete profile and identifying your strengths and motivations
  • Week 3: Inner Conversations and Taming the Inner Critic
  • Week 4: Building Champion Beliefs and a Growth Map to take you to your Success
  • Week 5: Creating Personalised Daily MindFitness Programs and Performance Day Strategies
  • Week 6: Positive Self Reflection Tools and the NEXT steps
So if this is some thing you would love for your athlete's to help them be able to thrive within their sport, as well as out the otherside and be owning their power, then be sure to share the details with your teams. 
We have tried to keep this as low cost as possible, as we want to see as many athlete's and teams have the greatest opportunity to reach their potential as possible. 

We have multiple options & bundles which we are happy to work with you to come up with an option that will work for you. 
We are grateful to be delivering this to you and we do hope that this can be hugely beneficial to your athlete's especially after the few years we have had. 
Please feel free to copy and paste any of the above to email to your athlete's along with this link to register their interest, doors to enrol will open on MONDAY 7th November and the program will kick off on Monday 14th November.  
We also have space for 10 Athlete's who are really ready to go to the NEXT LEVEL (must be 15 yrs +).  
Along with the 6 week challenge they will get my personal support to really hit their Peak in their Performance and break through any challenges holding them back. Here's what they will get:
  • 6 Week MindFitness Challenge
  • 4 1:1 Sessions with myself to set powerful goals and breakthrough any resistance holding them back or that is impacting their performance. (Normally $140 per session)
  • Athlete Style Growth Profile to help them understand themselves, how they function best, their motivations, decision making style and where their potential blind spots or roadblocks are. Also receiving a Growth Mapping to help them see how they can get to their potential and our guidance to help get them there.
  • Bonus meditations and visualisations to enhance their Championship Mind
If you would love to do the Athlete's NEXT LEVEL Program or know someone that would click the link below to REGISTER YOUR INTEREST and all details for both Programs will be emailed to you by 8pm AEST Friday 4th November. 
If you would like to discuss the opportunity to offer the 6 week challenge to your club, team or school click the link below to fill out the form and book in a call to discuss as we do have packages to accomodate groups.
If you have any questions at all please feel free to reach out, more than happy to help. 
Remember if you or someone you know are struggling please reach out to someone or email myself I am more than happy to help or find you someone that can support with these challenges.
For any urgent mental health support here are some numbers you can call for free 
Kind Regards


and all of us at the MindFit. team