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your recording is here!

Thank you to everyone who jumped on LIVE for the Week 7 New Testament discussion Zoom! This week we covered the passages detailing Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection…the most foundational belief we hold! 
Today we discussed:
✚ The crucifixion and what doesn't get talked about
✚ The supernatural events surrounding Jesus' death
✚ Why did Jesus have to die?
✚ Jesus' desire to save
✚ Do we need to do anything beyond believing to be saved?
✚ What are you trying to prove to God?

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Our next Zoom discussion group will be meeting on Monday, November 21 at 12pm CST. Bookmark this link to join!

These discussion times will be informal, but moderated. Please plan to have your camera on and heart open! 
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me."
John 14:1

xo, sara