Hello all! 
Hope you are having a cozy Saturday. I noticed that I usually sit down to write newsletters in the morning, over a cup of warm tea; I suppose it feels like I am sharing a cup of tea with you, catching up with one another. So here is a little tea note, from my cup to yours. The cold is really settling in; I am planning on blending a few teas  in the next week or so to have ready in my pantry for the chilly mornings.
Here is one that I have been enjoying. I sip on this one while I am getting the first fire going in the morning, when I am still a little shocked from the transition from warm bed to the tasks of the day; it feels awakening and enlivening.. a perfect brew for facing the morning frost.
1 pt peppermint
1 pt tulsi
½ pt rosemary
¼ pt coriander
I've got a few upcoming offerings that I'd like to share with you below, including Winter Solstice flower essence consultations & an intro to hearth-craft class happening Monday(!) night! I also wanted to share a sweet check-ins with Herbal Mystery School alum, all found below. 
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I often consider a flower essence formula to be an amulet that carries us through a certain period of time. The word amulet comes from the latin Amuletum. An amulet is usually a small ornament that is believed to provide protection for its possessor, casting off danger, disease or il malocchio. But an amulet can also be a charm that carries or amplifies an intention; there are charms for good luck, fertility, fair weather, etc. A flower essence formula can do the same; helping us shed old patterns, protecting us from unwanted energies while also calling in new blessings and stories. I bring my essence formulas with me into the world like an amulet, tucked into my bag, folded into a jacket pocket, worn infused into body oil -- the charms of the flowers are so easy to adorn ourselves with.

Moving into the long house of dark nights and into the Gregorian New Year, I'm offering a custom essence amulet formula to carry your spells through the threshold of deep winter and into the months ahead. 

In a 25 minute audio-only zoom call we will discuss your dreams and desires for the new year, what you're hoping to shift, what you're ready to discard, where you might need some support.

After your intentions are set, I will happily craft you a custom 1 oz formula for you to work with based on what we explored together. This formula will contain a selection of flower, gem, environmental or animal essences, all chosen to support your spell for the new year. I have a collection of hundreds of essences and I'm looking forward to matching you with some supportive and transformative allies.

All consultations are being offered over zoom (audio only) & a limited number of appointments are available. Each appointment is $85 and includes the consultation, custom 1 oz formula and shipping (to US only)! If you are international, additional shipping will apply. Book your session here. 
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The application period for Herbal Mystery School is still open, closing December 1st. I had some questions come in like, “Who takes Herbal Mystery School?” “Do I have to be an Herbalist to take Herbal Mystery School?” The truth is, anyone who loves plants and who wants to dive into deep relationship with plants can take Herbal Mystery School. Plant lovers take this class, and that includes a wide range of folks: artists, poets, dancers, sewers, chefs, musicians, sculptors, astrologers, painters, doulas, farmers, educators, therapists, parents & more. It's always a real interesting crew and I feel so lucky that I get to cahoot with such an inspiring bunch every year. So once in a while I will be sharing a bit from former HMS students, because I really have love in my heart for them and want to share about how brilliant they are!
I wanted to start off the interviews with 2021 alumn, Priscilla Frank, who is an incredible artist, educator and now is a favorite guest teacher in both of my seasonal folk magic classes: Tending The Hearth & Sap Rising. This winter in Tending The Hearth, Priscilla is going to offer a Hibernal Freak Spirit mask making class, to honor the times of winter carnival. It is not to be missed. (There are some Tending The Hearth spots left, register here!)
a meeting with PRISCILLA FRANK: Herbal Mystery School 2021 alum! 
Why did you want to sign up for Herbal Mystery School? 
A rose bush saved my sanity during the pandemic and I wanted to say thank you. I live in New York City and was hungry to engage with plants in ways that were imaginal, magical, devotional -- intimate without always being physically in proximity.
How do you define mystery?
Mystery, I think, constitutes the gifts you receive when you don't look for an answer: an experience, a creative spark, a memory, another question, a premonition. It is what plays in the space between you and what you are in relationship with.
What have you been up to since we closed our circle of HMS?
Growing a wild tincture cabinet. Using plants to make wands, dolls, and cakes.
Can you speak on how a certain plant from our time in HMS is now woven into your life?
The moment we initiated into Blue Vervain I felt connected to my dad who passed away. I got the strange sensation that our brains were touching independent of our bodies. I now take some Vervain when I want to communicate with him and imagine our brains being connected through a silver goopy string.
Did you notice any changes in your plant practices after HMS?
I used to find writing poetry terrifying and not for me, but I fell in love with writing odes to the plants and am trying to continue that practice. I am also never without a nervine tincture in my purse.
Is there one plant from the HMS year that feels close to your heart right now?
This has been an intense moment of chaotic transitions for me and birch has helped me see this time as a rebirth rather than a catastrophe. Its sweetness and swift energy support me in being receptive toward next steps.
What are you dreaming into this winter?
I am excited to cook the foods of my ancestors and make puppet shows and based on folk tales and dreams.
What song would DJ Mugwort play at your Herbal Nightclub?
"Patterns" by Suse Milleman!!!
Here are some images of Priscilla's plant divination cards from Herbal Mystery School time: Birch, Vervain, Nettle & Burdock
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On Monday night, I am teaching Feeding The Fire: Foundations of Hearthcraft via one of my favorite shops: Hauswitch! I am honored to be invited to teach and we've got a few spots left for Monday's class. We will talk about building ritual fire, elemental magic, sneaky house spirts and see what hearth-tales are sparked from the embers. Come & bring a candle! If you can't attend the live session, no problem! You will have access to the recording for up to two weeks after the class. This would be a great class to join if you are thinking about taking Tending The Hearth this winter and want to get a taste of our winter brew. Either way, you will get set up with some sweet fire practices for the dark months of the year. Register here!!!! 
Thanks for reading, friends. The Sister Spinster shop will open at the beginning of December for all of your holiday gifting. Hope to see you for a flower essence session or in a class soon! 
Blessings on this winter threshold, 
wishing you warmth and a good cup of tea, 
xx Liz