Dear First name / friend,
A Baby girl arrived since my last newsletter. Welcome to the world Emily! It is always amazing to work as a team during births. In this one also, we were together with a lovely midwife. So the mother-father-baby-doctor-midwife-doula worked together hand in hand for a nice and empowering transition and experience.
In today's newsletter:
✨ Turkish Doula Association
✨ European Doula Network Meeting
✨The Evidence on Pitocin

Turkish Doula Association 
Well, this announcement is so exciting to me. Although the Turkish Doula Association (TDB)'s roots are older, it is finally becoming official. I had been included in this formation in the beginning of this year when some doula sisters already did an incredible work with the necessary documents to introduce TDB. Now with some of us included as new blood to the group, things started to sparkle. 
In the beginning of November we gathered together in Istanbul as the whole group to work hard. It was great to see the high frequency of energy when meditating together. It was amazing to share the sisterhood and have fun. We enjoyed the beautiful Bosphorus weather for sure. All is to remind women their inner strength!
Soon we will be announcing more…

European Doula Network Meeting
As the European Doula Network (EDN) member doulas we came together online both in September and October to “Speak! Hear! Doula!”. One of the meetings was the annual meeting where the decisions were made. The other one was just to connect which felt wonderful to learn about how other doula sisters are doing, to share the struggles, to give each other strength. 
I still continue my volunteer work in EDN, welcoming new members. It felt so nice to be recognised in the meeting with my volunteer work. It is so good to be a part of this network.

The Evidence on Pitocin
Evidence Based Birth (EBB) is an education team that provides the latest updates on birth. It hosts 4 webinars a year for birth professionals, for expectant couples, for everybody. EBB Fall Seminar was this month and the topic was “Evidence on Pitocin”. Pitocin is known as the artificial oxytocin that is used for induction or augmentation of labor and birth. Lots of discussion and knowledge took place about the recent evidence on it. 
From the couples I work with, I know some couples have strong feelings about the use of Pitocin and prefer to go with c-section instead of having an induction. As you dig in to it and as we discuss in the birth educations, it is all about how it is used actually. When it is used only when needed and carefully, it can really be of help. But the question one can ask may be: “Do I know the techniques to trigger my own natural oxytocin?” There are many natural ways to start labor and also get the surges in track during labor. 
I would love to hear your thoughts or your experience around this First name / friend.
Did you know?
When you stroke the palm of a baby, they will curl their fist around your fingers. This is called the grasp reflex that lasts  about 5-6 months of age.




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