Join us for a Winter Solstice Cacao Ceremony
Wednesday 21st December 6.30 - 9.30 pm
We'll meet at The Retreat in the New Forest near Christchurch which has just the right energy for us to snuggle down and dive deep into hibernation mode.
When we align to living with the outer cycles of the year, we open to receiving the gifts of each season. Winter, supports us to really surrender, let go and simply be.
Through working with intention and the energies around solstice, we amplify the opportunity to receive nourishment, restoration and rejuvenation for the rest of the year. We are nature and she supports us, so let's lean in.
There are only 10 space in total available and we'd love one of them to be yours.
Picture this…
You walk into a gorgeous smelling, low lit, cosy space and make yourself easy and comfortable with pillows and blankets. This time, is for you to connect with yourself, the spirit of Mama Cacao and an opportunity to receive guidance and healing.
The ceremony is three hours and process looks like this:
  • Intention setting
  • Calling in the directions and energies of the elements
  • Sharing Cacao and it's history
  • Breath work
  • Visualisation and deep relaxation
  • Movement and shaking
  • Voice activation
  • Balancing and spinal breathing
You will also have an opportunity to ask you questions and share your experience (which is optional).
Does this sound like you?
  • You're curious about Cacao; either a complete newbie or wanting to go deeper with your experience in an authentic way
  • You're feeling tired and warn out and wanting to do something to restore yourself
  • You're keen to embrace the qualities of Winter and celebrate solstice
  • You'd like to learn more about Cacao and have a spiritual experience for yourself
  • You need a restful punctuation point before Christmas to connect to your Self
  • You're feeling stuck and know you have something to heal, grow and let go of. Now's the time.
You will you receive
  • An opportunity to stop, be still, feel your body, get out of your head and connection with spirit
  • A three hour guided journey and a mix of modalities to support you to connect with Mama Cacao and your Self
  • An opportunity to deeply relax in tandem with outer nature
  • An integrity full, informative and nourishing experience with Cacao
  • A pause before Christmas where you can melt away and truly switch off
  • A chance to intentionally release and heal what is no longer serving you
  • You open yourself up to healing, clarity and transformation
About Cacao
Cacao is an ancient sacred plant medicine native to south and central America. When we work with her, we do so with intention and gratitude. To receive her, is to experience connection with her spirit. The space held on these ceremonies is full of integrity and deep respect.
She is here to expand your heart for greater connection, love and abundance. There is a molecule found in her similar but not the same to caffeine, called Theobromine. This can expand the cells and up to 30% where a ceremonial dose it taken (2oz). No wonder she is also connected to our blood. She's fantastic for aspects like lowering blood pressure. (You might need to be aware if you have medical conditions).
It is said that where there is healing needed, Mama Cacao will show up. She works with you to heal you, energetically, emotionally, mentally and physically hence why she is referred to as medicine. 
How does that show up? She shift stagnancy and gets you going, increase focus and creativity and lifts your mood, reduces pain, and nourishes your body.
The physical properties of Cacao are immense. She's a superfood with tonnes of magnesium, calcium, fibre, iron and potassium (the list goes on).
She is a stimulant and you will feel the effects of her in your body (especially if you're taking a ceremonial dose) however she's not a psycho active like mushrooms or Ayahuasca. She's softer and sooths as well as getting you up and going.
How is she made? 
Cacao is made into a drink from the Cacao bean. Cacao is the raw form of chocolate before the processing, sugar and milk are added. 
The Cacao fruits grow on her trees in pods. These have white seeds (or beans) inside. These are harvested by hand and roasted on leaves by the sun which turn them brown. The beans are ground down and then made into a paste and turned into blocks which is what you can buy for your own home ceremonies. See below for more information on the Cacao we'll be using in the ceremony and where you can purchase it.
Being aware of where your Cacao has come from is imperative. If you are attending a Cacao ceremony it's really important that you enquire about the source of where your Cacao has come from. Ceremonial Cacao is only grown in south or central America even though the majority of the chocolate industry receives it's beans from Africa.
Ceremonial Cacao is grown only on indigenous sacred lands and farmed by the indigenous peoples. She is grown with the intention of being received for her plant medicine. You may see terms such as single origin, pure cacao or sacred Cacao. This does not mean she is what she looks like, so it's always worth a check.
About Magic Earth Cacao
This Cacao is from the Ruku'x'Ulew women's collective in Guatemala. It's bold in flavour and thick when made into a ceremonial drink. This is great for movement, being out in nature, dance and deep singing. It's 100% Mayan-owned and grown on a small indigenous family farm and then hand roasted over and open fire.
The collaboration
After working together for two years on Radical Rest retreats, the Crow Spotter cafe team and Lou Perham are joining forces to create something really grounding, connective and authentic for you to receive.
The Cacao will also be available to purchase from the tills in the cafe. If you have any questions then please feel free to get in touch.