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Hi First name / friend!
Just because Thanksgiving week is over, doesn't mean we should stop being grateful. Sure, we can stop eating pumpkin pie and turkey (that's already something to be grateful for ;laugh)  - but studies show that people who deliberately choose to look for things in life to be thankful for are happier and healthier. 
Robert Emmons of the University of California at Davis and Michael McCullough of the University of Miami did a study in 2003 that showed being consciously grateful (keeping a journal of thanks vs. hassles in life) resulted in improved emotional and physical changes. Besides a more positive outlook and mindset, they also had 23 percent lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and led to a 7 percent reduction in biomarkers of inflammation in patients with congestive heart failure. 
So how do we practice daily gratitude? Here are a few ideas:
1: Be less self-absorbed, and serve others. 
2: Practice flexibility of attitude and perspective. 
3: Be aware of negativity bias, or the tendency to pick out the negative in life.
4: Get specific about what you're grateful for!  
  • Try this exercise: Pick one thing you're grateful for and write 5 sentences about it. Really think about what you appreciate, and find details to support that! You'll start getting exponential returns on your gratitude practice.
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And lastly… we’ve reached the final day of our Black Friday Sale, First name / friend! One thing on our list of gratitude today is the support we've felt from this community this year! 
If you're still on the lookout for some deals, what seems most interesting for you to grab? 
A) A few resources to amp things up + inspire your practice
B) Go all out with a Digital Course 
C) Become a Thrive member! 
D) Some 1:1 coaching
No matter your pick, know that we want to help you get 
➠ unstuck
➠ motivated
➠ and empowered 
to make your dreams a reality! 
Yes, it takes work. No, we can't do it all for you. But, we can help. And we love helping! 
Thank you for being here and we hope you get big returns out of your gratitude practice today - and in the future! 
Ixi, Tiffany & Ted

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Thanks for reading. We aim to provide actionable ideas in our email newsletters, programs and content. Each week we share thoughts, ideas, questions, strategies and actions that we hope can move the needle for you in your life and career! Here's where we talk about why you're on our list (you signed up for a technique tip, a scale reset, a worksheet, a challenge, to get a printable, some tips, excerpt or practice help or resources), and that we'd love it if you shared some of our ideas with your friends. 
Thanks for reading and sharing.
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