Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your December energetic update!
We made it through the astrological shit storm, guys! But forreal - eclipses likely shifted you in a big way and we now get to have everything settle into place. It all will start making sense, taking form and now we have this month to get rid of any lingering things in the way of our fresh starts. Hopefully you felt the optimism turn on this last week! But it's time to get the ground work done this month as January kicks off with Mercury retro :)
We start December in Sagittarius season. This season asks us to take stock of the big picture. What are you putting energy into (people, things, thoughts) that won't matter a year from now? Hell, a month from now? Time to feed the things that will create long term growth towards our dreams and cut out the rest. Sag season asks us to dream bigger, expand beyond our immediate surroundings and knowings and to take risks.
On the 21st we move into Capricorn season. This is when we go to work on those big goals and dreams from Sag season and have them take form. Capricorn season asks us to set boundaries, put in the work and get grounded and practical. Do you feel steady and prepared? Are your efforts/work/career aligned with your passions? Do you have structure in your life so that you can dedicate yourself towards what you are wanting to accomplish?
December is also the quinticential time to take a moment to reflect on all that you have accomplished this year. It can be easy to think of what didn't get done or be so wrapped up in what's next. But seriously… be proud of yourself. Make a list of everything you've accomplished this year - big or small. Focus on the good stuff. Celebrate. 
I am proud of us. 
Now onto my “Monthly Big 3”
December is a 9 month in Numerology 
December is a universal 9 month. 9 represents TRANSITION & TRANSFORMATION. It's a time for wrapping up, letting go, making room for the new, conclusions/wishes coming true, spiritual growth, gratitude & forgiveness. 9 is the final number in numerology just like December is the final month of the year - so fitting for assessing what you don't want to take into next year. You could literally clear out physical items from your house - Marie Condo that shit. Physical items hold energy (everything is energy). Keep that living space light and filled with 'good energy' - your external directly impacts the internal - Feng Shui bay bay! But you can also clear out the good ole subconscious - letting go of old behaviors, patterns, beliefs. A time to 'get real' with yourself. What feels like clutter in your life? Whether it's items, people, work, thoughts… release, release, release. You're making room for the things that are more aligned with you! Cut the cords. Create the space.
Reminder : saying “Yes” to the wrong things or staying stuck means saying “No” to the right things trying to come through. 
Look back at March for similar themes as it was a 9 month too!
February 2023 will also be a 9 month - themes this month will be similar or be added to in February.
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.
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The card of the month I pulled for December is the Ten of Cups. Arguably one of the best cards of the deck. It's the card of completion, wholeness, nurturing, happiness, homecomings, fulfillment, emotional stability and security. It is the card that reminds me of feeling blessed. Even our struggles are blessed with growth and take us down new paths. It feels like many of us are getting rewarded after a long emotional journey. Whether for you this card represents an ending or a beginning there is a sense of wholeness coming in. Feeling whole allows us to give support and impact others with our positive energy. This card also represents playfulness and creativity so if any of you are sitting on a creative idea - go for it. You are ready (I need to hear this too about my book haha). Commitment comes through with the Ten of Cups. This could come from you committing to something, relationships taking the next step, new investments, new opportunities at work - they all feel supported. And lastly, this card is fitting for Holiday season as it represents reunions and family. Surround yourself with people that make you feel whole. Or get so grounded that no one can shake you if you tend to get stressed around this time. 
If you aren't feeling whole. Let this card be a reminder to adjust your priorities so that you can start pouring into the cups that will support wholeness. I recently watched Jonah Hill's documentary, Stutz, on Netflix and they broke it down really simply - think of a pyramid with three sections: at the base, your body/health. The center, your connections to others, friends, relationships. The top, connection to your inner self / subconscious needs. Which one feels a little neglected? Start there!
This card feels like getting engulfed in love. Take a moment and visualize this energy surrounding you. Feel this warmth. Carry this frequency around and see how people respond to you. It's infectious (ope! poor word choice for flu season!).  
Astrology of the month
12/1 - Moon enters Aries - initiate, follow your gut, move your body
**12/3 - Neptune goes direct - (felt days around) feeling foggy, dreams, empathy & compassion turned on, truths revealed, subconscious healing
12/4 - Moon enters Taurus - get grounded, activate the senses, self worth time, take stock if you feel valued and if you value what you put your energy towards
12/6 - Moon enters Gemini - dabble, learn, express yourself
*12/6 - Mercury enters Capricorn - mind focuses on goals now, ideas take form, practical time
*12/7 - Full Moon in Gemini 16 degrees - what are you juggling that you can drop? Peak moments, release, let go.
12/9 - Moon enters Cancer - listen to your intuition, tend to your environment, self care
12/11 - Moon enters Leo - play, express your creative side
*12/12 - portal day & sun sextile Saturn - hard work paying off, good day to be noticed for accomplishments or get opportunities
12/13 - moon void of course all day - can feel sleepy, less sharp, push big convos or decisions to the following day. Give yourself permission to rest
12/14 - Moon enters Virgo - get organized, get shit done, health
12/16 - Moon enters Libra - notice if your relationships of all kinds feel in balance, aesthetics, harmony
12/17 - Mercury trine Uranus - sudden ah-has, change, messages coming
12/18 - Moon enters Scorpio - connect to your higher self and inner power, uncover what you crave, do witchy things, watch out for self sabotage
***12/20 - Jupiter enters Aries (changes signs every 13 months so bigger deal) - the planet of opportunity, abundance and expansion in the sign of self initiative and being bold. Risks pay off when you step into originality and confidence in yourself.
12/20 - Moon enters Sagittarius - be bold, take risks, go into learning or exploration mode - expand
**12/21 - Sun enters Capricorn aka Capricorn season! Get foundations laid, set self up for success, set some goals.
**12//23 - Moon enters Capricorn, New moon in Cap, Chiron direct - ambition, goals, get it done. manifestation time with a focus on goals, work, commitments. Get grounded. Healing is happening that gets you closer to your goals.
12/25 - Moon enters Aquarius - community, collaborate, get involved
12/27 - Moon enters Pisces - reflect, hermit, feel, heal, salt bath, journal, therapy sesh, meditate, Netflix in cozies
12/29 - Moon enters Aries - initiate, follow your gut, move your body
**12/29 - Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn - old opportunities coming back around, getting reorganized with goals, revisiting told goals, reinvest yourself - find out where it hits your chart!
12/31 - Moon enters Taurus - get grounded, activate the senses, self worth time, take stock if you feel valued and if you value what you put your energy towards
(*) = the more asterisks, the more important / more potent 
That's the quick and dirty astrology! Want a more in depth look into it all and how it impacts you specifically? You can always book a 1:1 reading with me or come to my moon events ($15) where I deep dive the above and show you how to find where it's impacting your chart! 
Announcements :
12/1 : Numerology Year Ahead Readings ARE BACK by popular demand! 
This is a limited time offer for Dec (I usually just offer this as an "Add On" to readings).  I will voice record this reading (~ 15-20min long) & email it to you by 1/7/23 (not emailed on booking date of 12/31 -this is just a place holder for booking). We all have a Numerology Personal Year starting Jan 1st (based on our bday + numerology of 2023) which then gets broken down into your personal months. Numerology is a great predictive tool to understand the background themes of the year + monthly breakdown. Book your spot HERE
12/4 : Progressed Moon workshop (inside Astro Curious Membership) - Progressions are a higher level Astrological tool for predicting. Finding out where our progressed moon is gives a glimpse of the emotional energy of the next 2.5 yrs. JOIN HERE
12/21 : Winter Solstice Virtual Event with me, @revealingsoul & @intuitivelybridget  - Wednesday 12/21 at 6-8pm cst. Gather together for a night of energy updates and teachings that will prepare & empower you to create a grounded practice for the new year. Tickets on sale as of today! Grab one HERE 
Book a Reading - I release my schedule on the 3rd Monday of each month. If there is no availability, that means I am booked for December. Check back on 12/19 - mark your calendar as they go quickly. I added a new reading called “Children's Charts for Parents” - look into both Astrology & Human Design for your kids. Booking link HERE.
Join Astro Curious - My baby, my monthly membership where moon events are included + community, meditations, big discounts for workshops, direct access to me, tons of spiritual insights (human design, numerology, etc. and of course astrology updates!). If you dig spirituality, this is your place. JOIN HERE 
Astrocartography workshop (recording of previous workshop) - HERE  
On a personal note : 
I am officially Portland, OR! If you know anyone who is looking to rent a place in Chicago, my condo is available! 3bed / 2 bath + parking spot in Andersonville. I never planned on leaving it and am not ready to sell. So, I'd love to find an amazing tenant through my connections (manifesting!) - LINK TO LISTING
PS (again) - if any of you know any cool people in Portland, OR - hit a gal up! I have no friends yet :)
Cheers to navigating December's energy!
Have a lovely month ahead,
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