Be Well
A Weekly Email Filled With Wellness News and Resources to Feel Your Best
Hi First name / friends
As we approach the end of the year, a lot has been coming up for me. 
Overwhelm (social media does not help) 
Worry (the world, the future) 
Grief (irreplaceable loss)
and also
Excitement (for a new year, new projects, new beginnings)
Ease (downtime, rest)
Joy (making holiday magic with my family) 
All of these emotions can be true at once. And I know they're all acceptable feelings to have and yet… it's still hard some days. So I'm telling myself exactly what I would tell a loved one: just take it day by day and take care of YOU. (Or in this case, myself.) 
Are you feeling like this too? 
It's easy to put ourselves last when there's a lot going on, but if you can, I encourage you to think about ways you can show up for yourself this month. 
What can you delegate? 
What can you eliminate?
What can you do more of to feed your soul? 
As the saying goes, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others. It's only when you're taken care of, that you can take care of others. Prioritize yourself and see what happens. I promise you, good stuff happens when you're feeling good. 
Feel free to reply to this email and let me know how you're doing. I love hearing from you! 
Wishing you a sweet and love-filled weekend!
Lisa Michelle 
On My radar This Week
Each week, I share a few links to things that have inspired or intrigued me lately, mostly in the food and wellness world. If you have anything you'd like to share in this email, reply here and let me know.
In-person Events Worth Attending*
December 10th. Brooklyn, NY
December 10th. Brooklyn, NY
December 10th. New York, NY
December 10th & 11th. New York, NY 
December 11th & 18th. New York, NY
December 12th. New York, NY
December 13th. New York, NY
December 14th. New York, NY
December 14th. New York, NY 
(Scroll to see event info)
December 16th. New York, NY
I am not affiliated with these events and I may or may not not be attending them myself, but they piqued my interest so I wanted to share.
How can I help you?
Tell me, what do you want to see and read about in this newsletter? Health news? Feel good stories? Event information? More recipes? How can I best serve you? Hit reply and let me know! 
Thank you so much for being here.
xo, Lisa Michelle
Some of the links in this newsletter are affiliate links, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!