I would love to share details about my program with you!
Hi Friend!
Thank you so much for your interest in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss!  I can't wait to share more information and hopefully welcome you into my next new client experience.
If you are wondering what the FASTer Way to Fat Loss actually is, you're not alone.  Below is everything you need to know about what we do in my 6 weeks program!


The leading digital Fitness and Nutrition Program designed to help teach your body to burn fat for fuel by incorporating several nutritional strategies such as intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and macro tracking and quick, effective workouts.  You will learn…


For so many reasons!  Maybe you can't seem to shave off those stubborn inches.  Maybe you have significant weight to lose.  Maybe you have plateaued in your health goals.  Maybe you feel stuck and unmotivated.  Maybe you have no energy and find yourself irritable throughout the day.  Maybe you are killing yourself in the gym, eating like a bird and still not seeing results.  Maybe you like to eat carbs or have a cocktail but hate the guilt.  Maybe you have tried so many other programs without success or sustainability.  Maybe you want to finally do something for yourself.  


We incorporate several key strategies in the FASTer Way To Fat Loss.
Intermittent Fasting:
I will teach you everything you need to know about how to safely implement intermittent fasting when I welcome you into our group.  This is simply an eating schedule.  We do not skip out on any food intake, in fact in most cases you will find yourself eating more than you are used to!   And yes, you can still have your coffee!   A program without coffee (or let's be honest, wine) is not a program for me!  Intermittent fasting is the first step in teaching your body to look for fat for fuel.
Carb Cycling:
Carb cycling is an intentional variation in carbohydrate intake.  We will incorporate two low carb days into the week.  Our main goal with carb cycling is to deplete our glycogen stores so once again our body has no choice but to look for fat for fuel.  We will eat a higher than normal amount of fat on these days to make up for the carb deficiency.  We also have several days where we consume higher carbs.  The mix of days these days keeps our bodies guessing and allows us to become metabolically flexible! 
Macro Tracking:
We will track our food each day in your FASTer Way app!  While I know this seems daunting to some, I give you all of my tips and tricks to make this process easy and intuitive.  Tracking ensures you hit the right amount of carbs, proteins, and fats throughout the day for your body to thrive and burn fat.  We also provide a full, optional meal plan that allows recipes to easily be preloaded into the app for tracking purposes!
Strategic Workouts: 
Exercise will always be a key component of any health regimen.  At the FASTer Way, we offer short, strategic and effective workouts that you can do in the comfort of your own home complete with modifications for those that need them.  We strategically pair our workouts with certain nutrition days in order to maximize your fat burn.  Do you love the workouts you already do?  No problem!  I help you develop a schedule that will allow you to get the most out of that sweat session.  


The benefits of this program not only include fat loss, but also mood stabilization, heightened energy, hormone balance, muscle gain, and so much more!   All ages, heights, weights.  Men, women, breast feeding and pregnant moms, menopausal and peri menopausal women, and beyond have all been active and successful clients of mine.  If you are wondering if this program is for you, then let's setup a discovery call so you can get all your questions answered!


Comfort of your home!  I will conduct trainings each week in our private Facebook group to educate you on our strategies and ensure you have all the information you need.  Of course you will get all of my own personal tips and tricks to succeed as well.   You will check into our group each day and we will keep each other accountable!  Don't have Facebook?  Don't let that stop you - I always meet my clients where they are and we'll figure out the best way to move forward together.


Comfort of your home!  I will conduct trainings each week in our private Facebook group to educate you on our strategies and ensure you have all the information you need.  Of course you will get all of my own personal tips and tricks to succeed as well.   You will check into our group each day and we will keep each other accountable!  Don't have Facebook?  Don't let that stop you - I always meet my clients where they are and we'll figure out the best way to move forward together.

Dirty details

The cost of the 6 week program is $249 per person. 
Following completion of the New Client Program, if you wish to continue, you will enter into my VIP group!  This is a monthly $79 membership to ensure that you are set up for success through life's challenges.  As your coach, I will ensure you are provided the support you need to build healthy habits that last.

The FASTer Way is truly is a game changer when it comes to your health and wellness.  It's effective, sustainable, not rooted in deprivation or reliant on pills or shakes.  I am here to educate you on how to easily implement a healthy lifestyle so that you can live your best life as confidently and energized as possible.  I hope to welcome you into my next new client experience!  Please reach out with any questions!
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Click the links below for FREE resources and let's get connected! 

Anne Jones Wellness
Lake Charles, LA 70605, USA