Opening Your Crown Chakra: Part 2 
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Welcome to Part 2 of Opening Your Crown Chakra!
One of the most important steps to Opening Your Crown Chakra is releasing any blocks to receive.
Crown Chakra blocks are often formed by preconceived notions, judgments and conditioning we’ve received and adopted on how it is possible to know information, and on how information can come to you.
One of the ways these blocks to receiving can form is when you don’t believe you have an ability to spiritually receive - and we all do.
Clearing and releasing any Crown Chakra block can be as easy as reaffirming your abilities to yourself:
  • I am a conduit for the Divine
  • Divine Knowing exists within me
  • Source Energy communicates with me every day
When you release a Crown Chakra block, the flow of spiritual energy can often be easily expanded.
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Activities For This Week
Thursday, January 19th, 7:00 pm ET
Zoom Webinar
In this event, we will be practicing exercises to open the Crown Chakra and send energy through the other Chakras in an effortless flow.
Register at the link above if you plan to attend live. We will record the event and send it out within a few business days for those who can’t make it.
This workshop lasts around 2 hours on average, with a 10-minute break in the middle.
To get in live, if prompted, enter password "0119”

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Using Crystals to Open The Crown Chakra
Selenite is often found in parallelogram wand shape which represents a balance of inflow and outflow energy. Existing with this crystal nearby can harmonize and balance incoming energy to the Crown Chakra.
How to use a Selenite to expand your Crown Chakra
If you have a Selenite piece, sit down, and breathe deep. Then, wave it in a counter-clockwise motion over each Chakra from the Root Chakra to the Crown.
To end, to seal your aura with high vibration divine energy, wave it over each Chakra in a clockwise motion from the Crown Chakra downward.
Charoite or Amethyst
Both of these purple stones can open the Crown Chakra to receive both divine guidance and flowing clear thought energy.
An open Crown Chakra can transmute incoming energy into a spiritual understanding of our current situation.
The Crown Chakra is our signal tower, as it receives and interprets all signals that we pick up from the source and collective consciousness.

Plant Spirit Energy To Open The Crown Chakra
To support the higher self to step forward and open the Third Eye and Crown Chakra.
To promote humility, for delivering and receiving wisdom from a humble, centered and grounded place of mind. Opens the Crown Chakra to receive divine guidance.

Take some time to register for the workshop above if you have not already, and see if you have any of the crystals or plant elements mentioned above.
Simply being near these Earth Helpers, even looking at images of them, can initiate a clear and open flow of energy into the Chakra System.