Be Well
A Weekly Email Filled With Wellness News and Resources to Feel Your Best
Hi First name / friends
We're officially two weeks away from a new year. How are you feeling about it? 
Maybe you're rushing to meet end of year deadlines, still have a list of holiday shopping to do, or if you're lucky, are already slowing down and basking in the merriment of the season. 
Wherever you are in this time, I hope you can take a moment to pause and reflect on the past year. Reflecting can help us learn from our successes and challenges, and set goals for the future. 
Here are some of the questions I like to ask myself. I encourage you to carve out time to think about these for yourself. Go ahead and get cozy on the sofa with a mug of hot tea, a blanket, and your favorite journal. 
📆 Year in Review
  • How did you take care of your mind, body, and spirit this past year?
  • What events or moments stand out to you?
  • Is there anything from the past year that you still need to process?
📈 Personal and Professional Growth
  • What accomplishments are you proud of this year?
  • What new skills or knowledge have you acquired?
  • What did you want to do this year but didn't? How can you plan for it next year?
👯‍♀️ Relationships
  • Who are the people who make you feel most like yourself? How can you spend more time with them in the new year?
  • How have you supported others and received support in return?
  • Consider the people who have made a positive impact on your life and make an effort to show your appreciation.
🔮 Future You
  • Where do you want to put your time, love and energy in 2023?
  • Imagine yourself 12 months from today. What do you want to be doing and how do you want to feel?
  • Choose a word that reflects what you want to focus on in the new year. This is a practice I like to do because it's a way to anchor yourself back to your dreams. In the past couple of years my words have been VITALITY and CHANGE. This year, my word is MOTION.
  • What word will you choose? Hit reply and let me know! 
Wishing you a peaceful weekend!
Lisa Michelle 
ps. Wanna know what I'd really love this holiday season? To connect with more people via this newsletter! If you've been enjoying it, please share with a friend or two. I love putting it together every week and seeing new people benefit from what I curate here has been motivation to keep going. They can subscribe here. Thanks for sharing the love! ❤️
On My radar This Week
Each week, I share a few links to things that have inspired or intrigued me lately, mostly in the food and wellness world. If you have anything you'd like to share in this email, reply here and let me know.
In-person Events Worth Attending*
December 16th. New York, NY (Tonight!)
December 18th Brooklyn, NY
December 30th. New York, NY 
(Scroll down to see event info.)
December 30th. New York, NY
January 5th. New York, NY
January 8th. New York, NY
January 16th. New York, NY
I am not affiliated with these events and I may or may not not be attending them myself, but they piqued my interest so I wanted to share.
How can I help you?
Tell me, what do you want to see and read about in this newsletter? Health news? Feel good stories? Event information? More recipes? How can I best serve you? Hit reply and let me know! 
Thank you so much for being here.
xo, Lisa Michelle
Some of the links in this newsletter are affiliate links, meaning that if you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!