Celebrating the Magical Link Between Earth and Sky
In this Issue
Vlogcast with Daniel Giamario
Update on the US Pluto and Chiron Returns
New Moon in Capricorn
 by Erik Roth
Venus Has Risen
Ceremonial Offering by Naraya Naserian
April 2023 TOTAMS 
Annual Gathering on The Land
NOW Open For Enrollment!
End of Year Bonus Seminar
Founder's Research 
with Daniel Giamario and Anyaa McAndrew
December Group Mentoring 
with Daniel Giamario 
Vlogcast with Daniel Giamario 
Update on the US Pluto and Chiron Returns
Recorded on December 20, 2022, this brief vlogcast is a deepening of Daniel's recent social media post: 
The much-discussed United States Pluto Return soon, on December 28, 2022, has the third and final exact alignment at 27Capricorn33. But this window of initiation is far from over! The previous exact conjunctions were February 20, 2022 and July 11, 2022. When using the same techniques used by our paradigm for personal horoscopes, the window of initiation started on January 19, 2022 and will not end until October 10, 2023, when Pluto reaches stationary direct at 27Capricorn53. There is some credence to having the window of initiation longer for countries, but at the very least January 2022 – October 2023 represents the initiatory peak.
My experience with Pluto transits reveals that, if in the first 11 months of the transit its purpose is surrendered to, then the final portion can be quite an empowerment. But if the shadow is not addressed, then the final portion can be the most intense. As I am not seeing much evidence of the shadow of the American project being addressed, 2023 is likely to be even more denial, and more doubling down on either ignoring or rewriting history.
Like it or not, what happens in America has huge impact on the rest of the world. Most of the rest of the world can hardly believe what is happening to the US, as its hegemonic influence wanes and a multi-polar world is emerging. With Pluto, what needs to be composted, will be composted.
Daniel's US Chart Series of articles: https://turningoftheages.com/daniels-... 
US Chart YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz31O...
New Moon in Capricorn
 by Erik Roth
The New Moon is about renewal or starting fresh or simply a reset. For the New Moon in Capricorn, this has a doubling effect in that Capricorn’s essence is about the planting of seeds. All the knowledge and wisdom gained in the previous generation and the generation before that is contained in those seeds. It doesn’t mean that is necessarily better, but it is a strategy that can work over the long-haul.
We can think of this period of time as an extension of the December solstice, which in itself I’ve described as a “New Sun” and the rebirth of the light through the time of the dark. It's a time to gather one’s self, setting the table for the months ahead and what they may or may not bring. Before the New Moon, we can let go of things in life that no longer serve us, including beliefs and internal ways that may be holding us back from claiming who we are and consequently, our soul’s path.
Venus Has Risen
Ceremonial Offering by Naraya Naserian
So on Saturday, December 17, i went to the local beach with the intention to create a Venus offering - to coax her out of her BeLOVEds arms … and rise, Rise, RISE into the evening sky over the next 8 months. Looking around, i discovered a gorgeous quartzite stone and decided to use it as the centerpiece for my creation. However, try as i might, i could not dig it out. So instead, i created my offering right there, around the splendid rock. 
And then, voila, after the Sun had set, there she lit up, and Mercury too, a little higher in the sky and to the left. Eventually, as the sky darkened, a full line up of all the five planets visible to the naked eye made it's appearance. From West to East: Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and bright blazing Mars. Nourished, Graced, Blessed! 
As Daniel Giamario encapsulated it in the Eight Main Principles of the TOTAMS Astrological Approach: “The understanding and experience of the natural rhythms and cycles of the planetary bodies are linked to the initiatory process in human beings. The universe is supportive of, and power is accessed by, human beings who consciously participate with the initiation cycles.” I encourage everyone to get out under the sky, look up, observe, ceremonialize, learn about and participate with the planetary cycles, and receive the extraordinary messages, transmissions and initiations these cosmic co-creators have in store for us. Here are a few more photos. EnJOY! 
Meanwhile, TOTAMS Astrologer and regular contributor of our Beginner's Corner, Sheridan Semple, had a successful sighting on December 16 already. Here's her photo with the distinct horizon line of the mountains in Colorado where Sheridan lives. 
With presentations by certified TOTAMS Astrologers
Daniel Giamario, Mary Kern, Erik Roth, Gael Chilson, Awen, Vivian Hurley, Morgan Marckwald, Shiva Faranpour, Sheridan Semple, Marianna Voulgaris and more,
highlights will include:
Recent enhancements to the TOTAMS Astrology Paradigm
Updates on the 2023 Planetary Alignments
Night Sky Teachings Under Dark Skies
Dynamic Astro Drama
End of Year Bonus Seminar
Founder's Research
with Daniel Giamario and Anyaa McAndrew
This call is FREE and open to anyone, 
not just members!
From 2014-2019, Daniel and Anyaa created and facilitated sacred journeys to Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Wiltshire, known as the Renaissance of the Sacred. A regular feature at the end of those journeys was Daniel’s updates on the archeological, anthropological, archeoastronomical and cosmological research that looks at wide swaths of history, even back 300,000 years, using the same talk title above. Every year there were new discoveries and insights that kept coming forth. It’s now 3 years later, and there has been a great deal of new information, and we update this theme within the context of this great Turning of the Ages:

1) The Six Converging Timelines: 
end and beginning of precessional cycles, the end of Kali Yuga, 
the 6th World, the Mayan calendar, the Fourth Turning, and the 6th mass extinction.
2) The “Into Africa” research
3) The research of the book: “The Dawn of Everything”
4) The upcoming Lunar Standstill and prospects for returning to Callanish in 2024
5) Other great new books
6) Crop Circle
7) The Galactic/ET perspective
8) Updates concerning our visited sacred sites
9) Updates about our guest teachers
10) Also updates on our astrological paradigm
December Group Mentoring
with Daniel Giamario
TOPIC: All About Mercury
This month’s group mentoring will focus on Mercury including how to work with Mercury retrogrades, Mercury returns, aspects to Mercury on a natal chart, and how Mercury can be extremely useful when applied to chart synastry. There will also be an introduction to how the Mercury Synodic Cycle is used in the TOTAMS paradigm and how our school understands the cycles of Mercury.
This is a monthly mentoring Q&A on Zoom, hosted by Daniel Giamario, which takes place at the time of the First Quarter Moon. Most months will be chart analysis of special challenges. Each monthly offering will have a different theme. These monthly calls are not only for TOTAMS members or Shamanic Astrologers, but for anyone who reads our newsletter or social media posts. All that is required is your general knowledge of how to read a chart. It is not, however, for complete beginners. 
Free for Premium Members! Look for the course in your Member Dashboard
Basic Members get 50% off! Look for your coupon code in your Member Dashboard
Not yet a Member? Become one today: https://turningoftheages.com/membership/
Looking ahead … 
TOTAMS Astrology Consultations 
Schedule a session today with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers!
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Totams Team 
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