What are the GED® exam requirements?
  • 18 years of age or older (or within 60 days of 18th birthday)
  • Not a graduate of a U.S. high school
  • Candidates must be California residents with a valid driver’s license, identification card, or government-issued passport
How do I register for the GED® exam?
To register to take the GED® exam on our campus, visit GED.com or call 1.877.EXAMGED. Payment and test scheduling are done online.  Examinees only need to come to campus on their selected test date.
How many subject tests do I need to take?
To bypass the GED® class wait list, you will need to take all four subject tests
The test fees are as follows:
  • Full test (4 subject tests) - $140*
  • Individual subject test - $35
*Not recommended to take all four subject tests on the same day.
What should I do when I receive my test scores?
Once your scores are posted, please make a counseling appointment with Kris Owen in the Counseling Office (Room 402) during business hours. 
From there, you will be placed in our GED® class within 2 - 3 weeks.