sales is serving
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It's finally here!!!
This is the re-FRESH-er course your sales team or front-of-house team needs!
What in the world even IS Sales?!?!
Well, Sales is--at it's simplest--giving the customer what they want.
It's meeting a need that someone has.
For instance,
  • When someone needs a hole in the wall, they buy a drill.
  • When someone needs to get their family someplace quickly, they buy a vehicle.
  • When someone needs to upgrade their curb appeal, they buy mulch.
Your job, on the sales side of your business, is to meet that need by solving their problem.
That’s it!
When you sell from that position of meeting needs, you come from a place of service.
Your heart and mindset in that place of service will make the experience for the customer that. much. better!
Ready to sell from a place of service?
Let’s do this!
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What does this training look like?
It looks like in-person training at your own facility.
That's right! I will come to you and train your team live and in-person.
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How long is this training?
We will meet 3 different times for a 1-hour training.
That may mean three weeks in a row or every other week or once a month.
It's your choice, depending on your team's schedule.
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What does the training cover?
Each of the 3 training sessions will cover a different topic, and each will be directed to your business.
The first session is Sales is Serving. We explore how to position ourselves with the proper mindset, so that you can meet your customers' needs from the right perspective.
The second session is Customer Service. It's more than hearing problems and handling returns when they don't want something; it's about how and why to create an experience the customer will remember.
The third session is Sell Yourself. We talk about tips and ideas of how to gain people's trust, and do it with authenticity! We don't need any other fake sales people.
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Who is this training for?
This is for all staff who are considered front-of-house.
That means they interact with the customers.
This includes those running a cash register, those answering the phone, those making sales calls, those greeting customers at the door, and those who show up to the customer's house.
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How much does this training cost?
$300 for your company when you commit to starting in January.
**Starting February 1, it increases to $300 per person for the training.**
At the end of the training, each employee will receive a certificate of completion. I can help you apply for government funding that supports small businesses as they train their employees to improve their skills.
Just ask me how!
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Why should we complete this training?
I have experienced enough salesmen who make me feel slimey afterward.
I have also made my share of mistakes that made others feel slimey because of how I was trying to sell to them.
I have noticed that when I am positioned in the correct mindset, I am best able to serve those who need my product or service.
We need more authentic, serving, customer-minded sales teams!
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How do I signup?
Reply back with your interest, and we will arrange the best time to train your team.
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Let's make 2023 the year that you serve your 
customers better than you ever have before!
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let's serve through our sales!
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