Be Well
A Weekly Email Filled With Wellness News and Resources to Feel Your Best
Hi First name / friends
As we approach the end of the year, I've been thinking about what I want to share in this week's newsletter, as it will be the last one of 2022. (Don't worry, it'll resume in January!) After mulling it over, I decided to jot down some of the lessons or themes that have come up for me personally over the last year. Some of it reads like a new years resolution, some more like advice. Take what you like and leave the rest behind! 
1. Nothing changes if nothing changes. Or put another way, “The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over but expecting different results.” Are there areas in your life where you feel stuck? What can you do to change your situation? What can you do differently? 
2. Prioritize sleep. This is hands down one of the best things you can do for your physical health, mental health, happiness, longevity, and overall quality of life. What's your evening routine these days? How can you improve it? 
3. Protect your energy. Get comfortable saying no. Pay attention to how you feel around others. Your mental health and happiness are more important than being likeable. Are there people or things you need to free yourself from in the new year? 
4. Be mindful about what you take in. Clean up your news feeds and be discerning about who you follow on social media. It's important to be informed so seek out a trustworthy source, but don't feel pressured to consume everything online. It's also okay to mute people too, they'll never know! 
5. Be mindful about your nutrition. Add more color to your plate in the form of whole unprocessed foods. Removing artificial and inflammatory ingredients does wonders for your health. And drink more water! 
6. Call your parents/siblings/friends/cousins/neighbors/insert other loved person here. Life is short. Make time to connect with the people you care about. It doesn't need to be an actual phone call. Coffee dates, a lengthy convo via DM, that all counts. Just don't take the people in your life for granted. Reach out and connect. 
7. Find something small you like to do everyday and savor it. Maybe it's a bite of chocolate, a long hot shower, or an evening stretch. Allow yourself to feel all the pleasure in the moment. 
8. Start your morning with gratitude. Hooray! You woke up another day! I love to give myself a big morning hug and two shoulder kisses. How amazing are bodies? They function even while we sleep. What a gift it is to have a body. 
9. One of the most powerful meditations I've done is when I sat quietly to ask myself, “What do I not already know about myself?” Sit with this question and see what comes up for you. 
10. Say hi to people on the street. As a NYer, I used to not do this until I met Inge and she greeted people all over Brooklyn as if we lived in a small town. It felt funny at first but now I do it everyday. Try it and see how your energy changes. You might be surprised by how good it feels. 
11. Support your favorite creators and small businesses. Before I started this newsletter/coaching business/Instagram account, I admit that I was a lurker. I loved consuming information online but never engaged. Now that I'm on the other side, I understand how important it is to acknowledge the creators behind the products and accounts I enjoy. Next time you see something you like, give it a double tap. Send the heart reaction. Write a comment. It's free and easy to do, and more importantly, you're sending positive energy and encouragement to the human behind the handle. 
12. Ask yourself, “Why not me?” Anytime I feel an inkling of self-doubt, I come back to my favorite quote by Marianne Williamson, see below. 
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
I know this list is a bit random, but I hope you find a nugget or two that's helpful for you. And if you want to chat more about it, or anything else, hit reply! I always appreciate hearing from you. 
No newsletter next week, so I'll see you again in January. Thank you so much for being here. Happy holidays and I love you! 
Lisa Michelle 
ps. Wanna know what I'd really love this holiday season? To connect with more people via this newsletter! If you've been enjoying it, please share with a friend or two. I love putting it together every week and seeing new people benefit from what I curate here has been motivation to keep going. They can subscribe here. Thanks for sharing the love! ❤️
On My radar This Week
Each week, I share a few links to things that have inspired or intrigued me lately, mostly related to health, mindfulness, and wellness. If you have anything you'd like to share in this email, reply here and let me know.
In-person Events Worth Attending*
December 23rd. Brooklyn, NY (Tonight!)
December 28th. Brooklyn, NY
December 30th. New York, NY 
(Scroll down to see event info.)
December 30th. New York, NY
January 5th. New York, NY
January 8th. New York, NY
January 8th. Brooklyn, NY
January 11th. New York, NY
January 11th. Brooklyn, NY
January 15th. New York, NY
January 16th. New York, NY
I am not affiliated with these events and I may or may not not be attending them myself, but they piqued my interest so I wanted to share.
Thank you so much for being here.
xo, Lisa Michelle
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