Imagine this:
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Dear First name / Love,
Imagine this… 
You wake up to the most beautiful day. You have slept amazingly. You take a deep, cleansing breath and with your eyes closed sigh into all the things you are grateful for. 
Your children, (if you have them) wake in the best moods too. They have been feeling so much more calm now that your nervous system is regulated. They are mirrors to your internal world. They are happy to cheerfully greet the day with you. 
Your lover is already up and making breakfast. He/She/They pad around the kitchen, tinkering with toast or pancakes or whatever they love to make. They hand you a cup of coffee and a kiss as you gracefully get yourself and everyone you need to ready for the day.
You spend a juicy amount of time getting yourself ready…this is a sacred practice.  Perhaps you hop into a bath with bubbles and a candle or perhaps you find yourself in the steamiest shower with essential oils… you immerse yourself in pleasure in all forms. Your body is your channel to magnetism. Your root, sacral and solar plexus chakra turn right on and you feel tingly from all yumminess you offer yourself.
You dress in clothes that turn you on and that feel good on your body. You feel like you look amazing. You love on your body in the mirror, instead of throwing it comments of displeasure or hate, you are immensely grateful for what it has done for you and how beautiful it is. 
You find your way to your work. You have the supports that your work requires. You have the supports that your life requires too. You have hired well, knowing that the people who lift you up are amazing at what they do. The cleaning person, the nanny, the assistant, the graphic designer, the business manager, the support team, the chef that cooks you meals, whomever it is that ignites your life is healthy, connected and flourishing because they are employed by you. You pay them well.
Your clients are doing the work. Your business is operating well.  Money is circulating in. You feel confident that your finances only grow in an upward trend. Your work feels nourishing. You feel accomplished and purposeful. You are doing amazing things.
Your community feels healthy. Your friends are genuinely interested when you win and when you lose. They do the work on themselves so that they show up to your life with unconditional support and love. They are true sisters in a world that is still healing the sisterhood wound. And if your work is female community based, they too are led by your example. You are showing them how to show up to their lives in a new and powerful way, no matter their age.
If a problem arises, you handle it with grace. You know that you don't live in a vacuum and sometimes things can be challenging.  But you also don't let those challenges consume you. 
After work, you and your love meet for a date. They are so lit up by their own life, and so lit up by you. You are magnetic. Your energy is pulsating and calling them in. They can barely keep their hands off of you. And you love it. You relish in the ripening and ignition of your magnetism- with your lover and with everyone who enters your world.
You go home to make the yummiest love. You spend your evening happily doing the things that light you up, knowing tomorrow will be just as good as today. 
This is the life of The Ignited Woman. She is intimate. She is deep. She is fierce. She is healthy. She is happy. And she is here to ignite herself and the world. 
If you are ready for the delicious picture above, come on inside The Ignited Woman Year.  This is an avant garde container consisting of the 8 programs I know it takes to be ignited, self expressed, intimate and lead with a regulated nervous system.  This is the work.  This is the year.  2023 sorted. 
Pre-enrollment closes Saturday night at midnight. If your heart is saying yes, I wouldn't wait. 
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