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Happy New Year Friends! I hope you've been enjoying a loving, restorative and just-the-right-amount of excitement this holiday season. With 2023 upon us, of course I've been thinking back on the past year, lessons learned and key takeaways. 
The highlights for me included more travel than I (and likely any of us) have done in quite some time. I relished each sunrise and sunset I was able to experience, whether it was in my own yard, out on a walk or hike, or in beautiful Oia, Santorini, Greece, pictured above on Richard and I's belated 25th anniversary trip from last May. Living in ongoing immense gratitude for each time I saw the sun rise or sleep helped me keep perspective for the days when it felt like everything was going wrong. 
Adding to this sense of wonder for me (and probably many of you too) are the images and findings of the James Webb Telescope, one of which is pictured below. In addition to the stunning images that speak directly to the dreamer, artist and photographer in me - my mind gets blown over and over again by how these images are actually being taken backwards in time. We're living in 2023 now, but glimpsing the formation of our own universe over a billion years ago. What?! Yes. The science fiction loving kid I was and still am is all over the amazing revelations that keep unfolding with this story of space, humanity and literally, time travel too. Click the link above or in the photo below to learn the most recent updates from the first year of the 26-year journey ahead for the telescope from the New York Times.

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go to harvard for free & 
learn about the science of happiness

just for fun

what I'm eating

what I'm listening to

If you want to see and hear some of Porter's songs, have a peek at her You Tube Channel. Chills my friends. Formerly known as Sirgun Kaur, she has also collaborated with previous guest and mutual friend, Joshua Stoddard on an album in 2019 dedicated to their identically named mothers called, For Pamela.

What I'm looking heart eyes at

what i'm reading

meet mike sagun january 6

Top audio episode of 2022

Top video episode of 2022

a different approach to midlife

My book, artwork and yoga sessions are always available as gifts for you, or someone you care about. Also, remember last month when I took the plunge and brought MYA to TikTok ? It's been a ride, and I have to say, people really engage with the content over there. I regularly receive messages and comments from complete strangers who are so thankful for the vulnerability and wisdom of MYA guests.


Until next month my friends
With love & gratitude,

Apple music