Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your January energetic update!
Welcome to the not so new, New Year. 
I’ve been talking a lot about how we shouldn’t put New Year pressure on ourselves because the New Year may not feel so new. January is actually a beautiful time for a pause, reflection, redefining goals, getting organized (particularly in finances), taking stock at what you’re pouring effort into and whether it is fulfilling and worthy of the energy exchange.
If we try to force or control things in January - it’ll likely backfire or cause frustration. It’s an excellent time for planning, strategizing, setting systems in place that’ll create ease later, intention setting, and resting so clarity can come in.
Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn which rules work, goals, status, bosses, parents, success, effort. So, business reviews, business planning, convos with bosses, being recognized for past efforts, opportunities coming back around, ah-ha moments around the type of work you want to do… all on the docket. Mercury retro can also be annoying as heck but if you know how to work with it, it can be a lovely time - check out the slides on the Do's and Don'ts of Mercury Retrograde HERE Mars is also retrograde until 1/12 (since 10/30) in Gemini which has had us likely questioning everything and highlighted the things in our life that we are no longer lit up about. When we are actively curious about the things we are doing - we are energized by those things. When we aren't - we can feel burnt out or resentful. Mars retro hopefully revealed which things are which for you. Momentum, motivation and feeling inspired gets turned on as these energies shift later in the month. 
As of February, Mercury & Mars will have gained speed and ALL planets will be direct. All systems go. So, let January be the time where you gather energy. Take stock of the structures you have in place - do they feel solid? Are you fulfilled at work? Most of us spend majority of our time working… shouldn’t it be rewarding? Are you mentally satiated with your life? Go into / return to learning mode in some area. 
On the 19th we enter Aquarius Season & have an Aquarius new moon. This highlights our hopes and dreams for the future - manifest time! Aquarius also rules community and friendships. Do you feel like you have expansive people in your life? Do you feel like you can be 100% yourself around your friends? Time to find your tribe if not!
2023 in general is a year for the inward / spiritual journey. More on this under Numerology portion!
Now onto my “Monthly Big 3”
January is an 8 Universal Month in Numerology. 2023 is a 7yr and we move into that new in January! 
January is an 8month which is all about finances, abundance, hard work paying off, stepping into power & confidence. With mercury and Mars in retrograde though - I look at this time as planning & being in reflection mode surrounding the “8” themes. January is an ideal month to get finances in order (I am synced with the universal energy so I for one will be starting the arduous process of doing taxes as a biz owner). Do you feel empowered and worthy enough to receive abundance? This is a great retrograde theme to hone in on. If we don't believe (could be deep down in the ole subconscious from conditionings / fears / projections) that we deserve it, we may face some financial set backs instead. What are you money habits like? With retro this isn't the best time to make big purchases out of spontaneous desires but it is a great time to invest in systems, platforms or people that will help you feel empowered and set you up for success. This energy could also bring some recognition coming back around from past efforts!
2023 is a Universal 7 year so I have to mention that in this newsletter as well! The 7 holds the energy of the inward journey - the connection with the subconscious. We all, regardless of your personal year, will need to tap into our intuition. A grounded practice will be necessary this year. It's also a year of knowledge and creation - what have you been wanting to deep dive? Particularly surrounding mindfulness, intuition, writing, therapy and habits. This year will allow for emotions to bubble to the surface so that we can get to the root of limiting beliefs, self sabotage, avoidance and addictive tendencies (reminder : avoidance can also look “healthy” in the form of over working). This is a year for everyone to FLOW rather than force. Go inward. Face the gunk and grow from within.
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.
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The card of the month I pulled for January is the Ace of Cups. And can this be any more aligned with the Universal 7yr kicking off? Sure can't! The Cups in Tarot represent the water element - emotions and intuition. Aces represent new beginnings. January is bringing us into new depths and a fresh start emotionally. This fresh start could be in the form of love, friendships, self love or a new intuitive practice that connects you to your higher self and your emotions.
This is a very hopeful card. Get into that frequency. Mindset is everything. What will make you feel fresh emotionally? It could be connection with others (perhaps reconnection bc of Mercury retro?), a clean environment (external impacts internal), or perhaps pouring into your creativity and desires.
This picture depicts a mirrored image - it reminds me of what we put out there, comes back to us. So, if your'e looking for more love and generosity, how could you spread more? Let it flow through you. Also, if someone is irritating you. Ask yourself “what are they reflecting in me?”. This card brings a change to heal and mature on an emotional level. 
I also intuitively am feeling “It's time to feel giddy again!”. Imagine the energy you feel when you're falling in love. Tap into that. Even if for you it's been a while since you've felt that kind of hope, excitement and vulnerability. Sometimes we need to believe it before we see it. Open your heart :)
Astrology of the month
**12/29 1/18 — Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn - old opportunities coming back around, getting reorganized with goals, revisiting old goals, reinvest yourself - find out where it hits your chart!
1/2 - Moon enters Gemini - dabble, learn, express yourself
1/2-1/26 - Venus enters Aquarius - reconnect with people, get involved with community or causes
1/5 - Moon enters Cancer - listen to your intuition, tend to your environment, self care
*1/6 - full moon 16 deg of Cancer - work life balance check. Where and with who do you feel at home with? Clear out and clean your environment
1/7 - Moon enters Leo - play, express your creative side, romanticize your life
1/8 - Mercury trine Uranus - “ah-ha” moments, messages, change
1/10 - Moon enters Virgo - get organized, get shit done, health
**1/12 - Mars goes direct in Gemini - phew! Momentum and clarity will start to turn on soon! Let your curiosities run wild
1/12 - Moon enters Libra - notice if your relationships feel in balance, aesthetics, harmony, flirty
1/15 - Moon enters Scorpio - connect to your higher self and inner power, uncover what you crave, do witchy things, watch out for self sabotage/obsessive thoughts, emotions run wild
1/17 - Moon enters Sagittarius - be bold, take risks, go into learning or exploration mode - expand
**1/18 - Mercury goes direct in Capricorn - feeling more clear on work and goals
1/19 - Moon enters Capricorn - ambition, goals, get it done
**1/19 - Sun enters Aquarius - Aquarius season!! Innovation, collaboration and letting that quirky side come out
*1/21 - Moon enters Aquarius + New Moon in Aquarius - do the people in your life inspire you? Do you feel like you have a sense of community? Can you be your authentic self? Find your tribe time! Also get clear on hopes & dreams and manifest your heart out
**1/22 - Uranus Direct - when outer planets change direction it is more of a collective energy and the days surrounding can feel wonky and anxious since Uranus rules nervous systems
1/23 - Moon enters Pisces - reflect, hermit, feel, heal, salt bath, journal, therapy sesh, meditate, Netflix in cozies
1/25 - Moon enters Aries - initiate, follow your gut, move your body
*1/26 - Venus enters Pisces - swoon! Romance, kindness, aesthetics and creativity. Be cautious of rose-tinted glasses and ignoring flags under this energy
1/27 - Moon enters Taurus - get grounded, activate the senses, self worth time, take stock if you feel valued and if you value what you put your energy towards
1/30 - Moon enters Gemini - dabble, learn, express yourself
(*) = the more asterisks, the more important / more potent 
I am working on making a calendar for my membership where these would pop up on your phone calendar with deets so you can be tapped into the cosmic cycles! Stay tuned
That's the quick and dirty astrology! Want a more in depth look into it all and how it impacts you specifically? You can always book a 1:1 reading with me or come to my moon events ($15) where I deep dive the above and show you how to find where it's impacting your chart! 
Announcements :
Progressed Moon workshop & North Node workshop (free inside of the Astro Curious Membership) - Progressions are a higher level Astrological tool for predicting. Finding out where our progressed moon is gives a glimpse of the emotional energy of the next 2.5 yrs. North / South Node is my FAVORITE topic in Astrology - it reveals our ultimate destiny and what we need to embody and takes risks towards in order to feel the most fulfilled and successful. JOIN HERE
Book a Reading - I release my schedule on the 3rd Monday of each month. If there is no availability, that means I am booked for January. Check back on 1/16 - mark your calendar as they go quickly. I added a new reading called “Children's Charts for Parents” - look into both Astrology & Human Design for your kids. Booking link HERE.
Join Astro Curious - My baby, my monthly membership where moon events are included + community, meditations, big discounts for workshops, direct access to me, tons of spiritual insights (human design, numerology, etc. and of course astrology updates!). If you dig spirituality, this is your place. JOIN HERE 
Astrocartography workshop (recording of previous workshop) - HERE  
On a personal note : 
I am heading to LA / Ojai this month and I CANNOT WAIT! Some much needed sunshine and friend time after this tough month. I also get to connect with some fellow healers/collaborators IRL and I am so excited! I swear I know more people in LA than in Chicago - LA takes everyone. Perhaps me one day too :)
Cheers to navigating January's energy!
Have a lovely month ahead,
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