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Dear women,
Thank you so much for signing up and/or joining me on Wednesday and for the rich time we had together. I was going to practice on my own but I was reminded of the expansive nature of one's intentions and experience when we practice in community
I hope this meditation and sound relaxation helped you with grounding the energies on this hybrid eclipse new moon.
As I mentioned, such a rare planetary alignment can feel intense when you have the electromagnetic field of 3 planets (earth, sun and moon) interacting with your own !
Energetically you may feel the effect of the eclipse for a couple of weeks so try not to attach too much narrative to what may be moving through you at this time - especially feelings and emotions - and instead just surrender to having them pass… and protect your energy and peace if necessary !
Whether you did attend or could not attend, here are a few tips to help you integrate in the days and weeks to come !

01 Water and water sounds
The sound relaxation post meditation focused on water because from a yogic perspective, it is recommended to be near or inside a body of water during a solar eclipse.
With that said as the energies of the eclipse settle for the next 2 weeks, make sure to stay hydrated. And if you feel the need for more showers and baths, use the element of water to dissolve and wash away the tensions that arise within or around you.
This includes allowing yourself to cry and release through tears as well. Tears are true medicine - both a form of release and self care. Better to release and open the body through tears than storing these emotions and letting them fester inside of you.
From a more earth based perspective women are the water carriers and keepers. We innately carry this intelligence and its memory within ourselves. Water connects all life and holds the remembrance of our interrelation and interconnectedness like no other...
02 Breathing meditation
Right nostril breathing
Meditating on the breath is the most basic and available medicine as we take in Prana (life force) through the breath.
Right nostril breathing brings in the energy of the Sun that was overshadowed by the Moon during the eclipse. It increases Prana in the body and therefore vitality. It is very effective for depressive states, low energy and stress management as it helps reduce anxiety. By potentially removing blocks in the pranic energy channels, it may lead to spiritual awakening as well.
03 Grounding
Stand or walk barefoot on the earth !
We have 7000 nerve endings under each sole of the feet ! The yogic teachings advise that a woman should never spend more than 48hrs without getting the soles of her feet in contact with the earth.
04 Cultivate substrative practices
Slow down, rest, relax, contemplate. 
Give yourself permission to remove yourself from spaces, people and places that trigger or drain your energy or vibration. 
Journal and write what comes to you at this time. Pay attention to your dreams as well.
Cultivate activities that feel supportive, nourishing of your heart space and of your own bio rhythm.
05 Herbal ally
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
is a member of the mint family and is considered a calming herb. It was used as far back as the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep, improve appetite, and ease pain and discomfort from indigestion. It has a way of uplifting the spirit.
Consider drinking it as infusion (1-2 cups/day) or use it as a tincture (1-2 droppers, 1-2 times/day). It is a staple in my herbal cabinet.
06 Release mental tension
Bach Rock Water Flower Remedy
Flower remedies don't work very deep in my experience but they have a way of providing a quick release in the moment, opening up space for an immediate temporary shift of energy or perception.
The Rock Water Bach® flower remedy encourages the positive potential of a flexible attitude and the opening to new ways of thinking and living. 

I hope this will be helpful.
I so appreciate our human moment at the end when we spoke our big heart desires and I will hold space for them on my altar for a couple of weeks until the Full Moon !
Lastly as I mentioned in our circle, I have not offered anything of my own for a long time. It has been a “long Winter” for me and I needed to go deep within myself. However I will be offering more opportunities for us to practice together all at my own pace I may add, as I've chosen the word EASE for myself this year ! No hustling, no pushing, no forcing …
If this is of interest to you, you can follow my Instagram account or sign-up for my newsletter.
In the meantime I wish you all a time of self nourishment and big dreaming!
With much love and appreciation,

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All the suggested practices included in this email are not designed as diagnostic or treatment of any medical condition. It is your responsibility to ensure their suitability with your primary care medical practitioner 
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