Dear Friend, when I visit a mother after birth, I bring her flowers to celebrate the new life she has started. It takes time for the new routine to settle at home. That's why support is very calming in postpartum period.    
This is the first Doula-la Notes of the year. Yeay!🥳 I am so happy to have you here in this community. 
Have you written your new years resolutions? I always find writing them and setting new goals for a new start so exciting. And I made a very exciting start to invest in my business in 2023 and started a new program with Maika Endo, who I taught birth education and then became my mentor as a business coach. All is for babies and mothers to have a better start. 
A baby boy arrived in December, it was so special to accompany all through this time. Welcome Dennis! 
In today's newsletter:
✨ What kind of Birth?
✨Film critic: “The Milky Way”

What Kind of Birth? 
"There is no wrong way to give birth"
When I read this expression in Midwifery Today magazine, I said wow! What a simple and true sentence. As I always share with my couples, every birth is unique. The needs of every family and baby are different. As we all have different choices in life, every family has different preferences for the whole process. That's exactly as life itself. That's also why I believe  birth education sessions should be adjusted for every family and that's what I do in my sessions.
The most important thing that matters in the end (together with healthy mother and baby) is to have an empowering experience independent of the birth type. To be informed and to feel that you are supported in your preferences. To feel that you are not alone. Maybe it goes all natural, maybe with/without epidural or a c-birth or all medicalised vaginal birth. You and your baby will find your way.

“The Milky Way”
"The Milky Way" is a documentary on breastfeeding and is mostly reflecting on how the supplement is boosted by advertisements and normalized because of commercial reasons. It starts from history, how breastfeeding was depicted as sacred, women painted breastfeeding with babies in old paintings. Then it shows how everything had changed with the release of formula. 
What affected me the most is the difference between the mother images in a campaign where the breastfeeding mother looks like a mess and where the mother chose formula feeding is very fresh with make-up and fancy hair. Things we are exposed to always sneak in our subconscious and create a certain impact where here it creates an impact like formula is luxury and modern way of feeding.
The film also address many topics like skin to skin contact, emotional aspects of nursing, physiological needs of a baby.
I recommend to watch this documentary to everyone to be informed and have a social impact for the society about breastfeeding. 
“In the end, it is up to us to be able to distinguish between a good marketing campaign and the ability to trust our instincts.”
The Milky Way, 2014
Did you know?
…that babies start to experience the world with their hands and covering their hands with mittens is no good. 




👉🏻I recently switched to online scheduling. If you would like to schedule an online meeting session, here is the booking page.
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👉🏻If you have missed the previous issues of doula-la notes, you can view from this page.

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