One of my favorite things from past challenges is seeing all the different ways one phrase can be lettered! I would love for you to send me a photo of your final tracker page / final lettered piece!
If you're thinking to yourself that your work isn't good enough to share, I want you to know:
1) There is value in your work
2) We are our own harshest critics and 99% of the time it is never as "bad" as we think it is
3) Sharing your work can encourage and inspire another letterer
4) Yes, it totally IS scary and it takes courage to share something you've created! That's why I think we should do it, to face that fear.
5) Everything is SO curated these days but that's not real life! The creative process isn't perfect, there is no such thing. Let's share more of our messy imperfectly beautiful work with the world.
6) It's not about comparing, it's about sharing your creative energy and inspiring others to follow their creative pursuits!
You're doing a GREAT job and I will talk to you soon!