January 12, 2023
welcome to the unfolding, a publication for your transformation through me! ✨ 
1. reflections on living & unfolding

hey y’all
its lovely to be connecting with you now. there's been a lot of quiet evolving here. i needed to move in a more slow, spontaneous, intuitive way that meant i didn't need to be all up in your face all the time lol. the world is noisy as is! so here i am today, intentionally.
i am here to cause a transformation in your life. the way you relate to yourself and others, the way you honor yourself and demand that the world encourages that - all of that can shift for you. i can guide you into changing in the way you want and need for you to feel enlivened by any and all parts of your being. if you are open to it, it will be amazing.
that means some of my offerings are meant for you and some of them might not resonate. that's completely fine. what's meant for you will always find its way to you. 
it also means stripping away the beliefs and conditions that we have adopted that are hindering us from feeling fulfilled, balanced, invigorated, and liberated about different parts of our lives and how we are showing up to them. i'm currently stripping away the belief that i have to be around people that do not see me, make me feel disregarded - even if they are family… oof if this isn't a process! 
the world is here to hold us in the shape we ask it to, but we have to step up to shaping it like clay - let's, together. its beautiful, naturally-paced, diligent work & all of it is necessary.
if this resonates, here are some ways that i'm inviting you to join me and use my gift, skills, & talents in the right way for you:
  1. share my newsletter & subscribe to my youtube channel - this is where i will intentionally, spontaneously channel what is flowing through me for someone(+) out there.
  2. explore a coaching partnership with me - i've been working with folks one-on-one to take action in shaping a part of their life intentionally. this looks like strategically building the business they desire, finding the style of leadership that allows them to honor themselves and their work, and clarifying what needs to shift in their lives for them to feel fulfilled (internally and externally). is there a part of your life that you feel called to re-shape? let's talk about it - all it requires is a little bit of time. check out more here!
  3. book a human design reading with me - i am a lover of human design. its a self knowledge system that is rooted in various sacred Indigenous technologies & quantum physics to provide some juicy self-awareness. it has provided many of the leaders, coaches, individuals and teams i work with new ways of understanding themselves and shaping their schedules, connections, and even self-talk to empower their most aligned way of being. read more & book a session here!
  4. invite me to facilitate a transformative, holistic, and strategic workshop for your group/ team/ organization culture based on your needs - email me so we can explore the possibilities together!
thank you for being here. let's continue & cultivate towards better for us, together. 💛
2. encourage transformation in the world: 
Answering the Call of the Ancestors by Carolyn Collado

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My dear friend and comrade Carolyn is birthing work starting with a book that I feel strongly is missing in the world. Carolyn is a queer, trans, non-binary, neurospicy, two spirit, Afro-Taino human recovering from intergenerational substance use, codependency, people pleasing, and perfectionism. Answering the Call of the Ancestors uses storytelling, historical context, and restoration practices to provide a roadmap for how we can dismantle systems of oppression individually and collectively through our paths towards recovery. it roots us in  the context and affirming practices that are often missing from our conversations about recovery and healing. 
this book is needed in our path towards liberation, recovery, and transformation. this is why i'm supporting it and ask that you help birth it too through funding and amplification of this divine, revolutionary book of healing. it starts here: Answering the Call of the Ancestors!
3. guidances: youtube videos to dive into

& may your unfolding be everything you need.
yasmin 💛

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want to send some love my way? 

buy me a chai here :)


**curious as to why I may have omitted capitalization? - 

lucille clifton inspired me. bell hooks taught me. & more here.
