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who am i? who are you?
Hello from my little snow globe!
It’s been a busy couple of weeks at our little HQ office, and I’m over here still thinking about what I told you last week - that my intention for 2023 is to be more of who I already am. But… What does that mean?
Well, it means a lot of things for my personal life - really not worrying about who I *should* be, and just loving being me. But there are other layers to this too, and that includes what I’m sharing with the world, or my personal brand (also known in the 42/MH HQ as my ‘PB’).
This is something that Britt and I talk about a lot. Over the past year, we definitely spent way more time talking about our personal brands than actually doing anything to put them out into the world. So, in an effort towards growth, part of my commitment to being more of who I already am this year is sharing more of myself online.
Sharing things with people online is such a funny thing, isn’t it? It wasn’t a thing in the world at all for the first half of my life, and my generation has been in the unique position of really witnessing this dramatic shift all around us.
When instagram was new, I was really into it (not to mention facebook, myspace, FRIENDSTER… jeesh, do I sound old or what)! I posted a lot of things. Many times a day, even. There was no pressure, and it was just pure fun.  Over time, I got caught up in other parts of life, forgot about posting my pics and my little updates all together and by the time I came back to it, as a business owner, team leader… someone who actually engages a professional firm to manage my businesses online personas(!!) I wasn’t sure who *I* should be on instagram anymore. It does feel like you need to be someone now, doesn’t it?
Meanwhile, while I have been feeling totally lost and like I want to just check out of the whole social media game, I’ve constantly been encouraging my team to be showing who they are on instagram, and I suppose now on TikTok as well. But it has always been a bit half hearted, since I haven’t been walking the walk.
So, I’ve decided in 2023 that who I’m going to be on instagram is… ME! And I’m going to make it fun again. I’m going to share a little bit of everything that I have going on in my life because I’m a whole person. I’m not only a mom, founder, event planner, entrepreneur, team leader, home owner, pet owner, reader, obsessed with shopping and decorating, eating and entertaining. I’m not only one of those things, I’m all of them.  So, I’m throwing the “rules” that I’ve been pressuring myself about for all these years out the window. In 2023, I’m not niching down, or if I am, I'm niching down to the niche of ME.  I’m going to be more of who I am, and I’m going to share it!
This feels totally doable for me because of the way our company, and our social media accounts are structured. Each of our businesses has a main business account, and Britt and I, and all of our team members maintain our own personal (but branded to the business) accounts as well. 
I’d be so interested to hear how you manage your online presence! Are you a business owner who has separate business and personal social media accounts? Who are YOU online in 2023?
PS. My favorite social media right now is BeReal because I think it totally encompasses what instagram used to be - there is ZERO pressure, and it's all just fun.  One of my (three, haha) friends who is on BeReal told me that she's always trying to look around the corners of everyones photos to peek further into their little lives, and I think that's so true.  BeReal is REAL and it feels like you are actually following along with someones regular day, not just their highlight reel.

last thing…
Even though podcasts are one of my favorite things on the internet, I've totally fallen off the wagon of tuning in to anything regularly, which tells me maybe I need some fresh recs.  What is your favorite podcast these days? Would you hit the reply button below and fill me in? Thanks so much, seriously.
Also… I'm still on my little self-imposed spending freeze but you know I can't help but window shop the whole internet.  This is what I would buy this week if I could. 
That's all!
stay in touch!
xx Francie
