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Happy Wednesday, First name / friend!
Are you like and hate the anxiety that Mondays give you?

Sundays was always a super anxious time because of all the things I had to do on a Monday. This is why I started doing Meetingless Mondays & it has changed the way I approach my week!

1. I leave this day wide open for me to feel like I can get ahead rather than feel behind the entire week

2. I tackle all of my big things without any distractions

3. Allows me to feel like I’m kind of easing into the week & I don’t have to hit the ground running

4. I can get my mind right before I start extroverting

I'm showing up more! 
—here's my IG video schedule for January:

on the blog
Let's start planning how we're going to make you look amazing!

Future Travel Dates
February 2-5
April 1-4
Late June



Let's do this together!


