I hope you have kicked off the year feeling strong and recharged.
What an exciting time it has been acquiring The A-List from a fabulous woman I am so proud to also call my friend, Alice. We walked a long and interesting road together while she was waiting to join her hubby, Ross, in New Zealand, and miss her terribly. Yay for modern technology and our regular reach outs.
I am looking so forward to connecting with you as an A-Lister and thank you for being part of our tribe. 

It's lovely to meet you.

My reason for buying The A-List was crystal clear - to continue Ali’s legacy, build and promote businesses and pass on amazing value. BINGO, all the things that are music to my ears.
Whilst The A-List is not limited to promoting small businesses, as a serial entrepreneur, building businesses is a passion that pumps through my veins faster than Max Verstappen on his final lap. As a business owner, I know it sometimes feels as if one is wading through wet cement trying to get seen, be heard, increase sales and add value with one’s amazing product/service, which is why providing this platform ignites and excites me. 
Let's support local and grow businesses whilst enjoying unique offerings and value.
Let’s be honest, many of us love a preview, limited editions, special offers or discounts, and that’s the joy of being an subscriber - that’s what The A-List delivers, it’s like being Charlie winning the Golden ticket in Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory - remember that movie or am I giving my age away?  There they got a tour of the factory and a lifetime supply of chocolate - what a win! Best we work on giveaways like that!
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After the confinement of lockdown, baking more sour dough and banana bread that could feed a village and wearing masks (so glad I didn’t own a lipstick business), how wonderful it is to connect as humans face to face, at events, with entertainment, goodie bags and all things fabulous. Well, watch this space, we have some amazing events on the boil (bad analogy with up to 10 hours a day load shedding and the current temperatures in Durban) and cannot wait to launch them and share them with you. Besides, it’ll be a wonderful way to connect and get to know you.
So - it’s time to shine! Let’s have fun, reconnect and, in line with my good friend, Jane Linley Thomas’s word of the year - be PLAYFUL. The last couple of years have been A LOT and it’s time to shake off the darkness and live our BEST lives.
Thank you for being on this journey with us, I am BEYOND excited to walk alongside you in 2023. Watch out for our newsletters and please feel free to share your feedback with me - what you want to see more of or less of, because, let’s be honest, this is ultimately for YOU.
Let us ignite your brand!
Over and out for now from a VERY happy mom who has her children here from all over the world. It's been 4 years since we have had all their feet under the table and it's so amazing! Full house, full heart.
Until we chat again, shine bright, stay safe and be happy in your heart too.
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