Hi First name / friend, Our Human Leadership Program is quickly approaching, and we want to make sure that you get the most out of your experience. To make that happen, we need your help! We will be popping into your inbox a few more times before our program to make sure you have everything you need. From preparing to join us on Zoom to helping us get to know you better, we’ll cover everything you need to know in these next few emails. All we ask is that you read each one carefully. And, of course, if you have questions, just hit “reply”—we are here to help! Ready to dive in? Here is your official countdown-to-HLP checklist:
In case you haven't yet RSVP'd and added our time together to your calendar, we have included those links again for you below. Day One & Day Two: Wednesday, March 15th, 11:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Eastern Time (U.S.) & Thursday, March 16th, 11:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Eastern Time (U.S.) |
Happy Hour: Real Talk Q&A Session, Wednesday, March 15th, 3:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. Eastern Time (U.S.) |
This is the most important thing you can do to help us make your experience the best it can be! We have created a survey that will help us better understand you and the challenges you are facing as a human and leader. We strongly encourage you to fill it out as soon as you can. Knowing more about you, the obstacles you’re up against, and what you hope to learn from the program will help us serve you better in the two days we have together. You have our word that your survey answers will be kept in complete confidence and will be viewed only by our team. We will not share your answers with your employer or anyone else outside of our team. To take the survey, click the button below. Please fill it out no later than Monday, March 6th! |
We will be using Zoom for our two days together. Please make sure you have Zoom installed and updated before the session. To get started, click on the images below. Then, check out our best Zoom Tips! |
If you have questions about anything Zoom- or tech-related, or if you would like to test out your setup and make sure you’re good to go for the program, feel free to schedule a quick meeting with Cheyenne, our Chief of Operations. She will be happy to help you! You can schedule a meeting with her using this link. |
Congratulations! You made it through the first few items on our checklist. In our next email, we will cover: ▢ Agenda ▢ Workbook ▢ Optional Resources ▢ Helpful Tips You can expect all of that in your inbox one week before our time together! |
and all of us on the KH team! |