The algorithm knows I’m building a new business.
My targeted ads are promising to teach me the secrets of online marketing.
Create a course. Build a funnel. Make passive income. Double your income. Learn the secrets of live launching. The secret is that live launching doesn’t work. Optimize your website. Get more organic followers. Learn how to make reels. Learn how to make TikToks. Sell your information products in just minutes.
I took the bait; downloaded the freebies. Signed up for webinars. Even bought a few courses when the countdown timer threatened to expire on a one-time offer (have completed none of them).
The more I click, the more content it serves. The more content I consume, the more I question my vision for Slow & Steady. 
This kind of marketing works because it targets that soft place where the fear lives. It takes advantage of your fear of not being enough to make you buy something. It's designed only to make money for the seller and the ad platforms.
I bet you recognize this. It’s particularly rampant when selling services and information products to women – what Kelly Diels calls the Lifestyle Female Empowerment Brand. And spoiler – you are enough!
Look, I’m aware that I am writing this… in a marketing email? But my intention for sharing this is twofold - first to share that even though I have literal decades of experience in this arena, it still gets me. Because even marketers are humans!
And because I believe there is a different way.
As we start the new year (astro-heads know the true start of 2023 is this weekend’s new moon), I’m re-orienting my business toward generosity – asking what is the most generous way to do something for my clients and for myself
After all, wasn’t that the point of doing our own thing in the first place? 
Go slow and stay steady,
Amanda Laird 
Founder & Principal Strategist, Slow & Steady Studio

new year, new offers, same feminist biz lens
🌱 Flourish offers three months of 1:1 feminist marketing support and co-creation - perfect if you're calling in deep support for 2023. 
✏️ Articulate your goals and create a marketing blueprint to help you achieve them at our Tactics! Tactics! Tactics! workshop happening February 15
⚡ Get energized with a Lightning Session
Simplify Your Marketing is now available for instant access if you didn't join us live last November. 

📑 the tabs we kept open all week
Perhaps related to the above, Tara McMullin on why care work is critical to the value of information
Feminist Business History with CV Harquail. Class starts February 7! 
Manifesting a spot at this dreamy writer's retreat from the Midwives of Invention. 

Save this for the next time you need to remember the first rule of Slowpoke Club: 
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