Bloom Into Your Best Self In 2023!!!
Hi First name / friend
Happy New Year!!! I hope that 2023 is treating you with nothing but kindness and blessings so far. As I thought about today’s topic, I realized I have never shared with you the reason behind my slogan “Bloom Into Your Best Self” so I thought to myself, why not share it with you today.
In 2016, when I was deciding on a name for my website, I couldn’t shake Bloom Into Your Best Self. It was something about it that really resonated with me, and I felt it would resonate with others. At the time, I remember someone telling me that it was too long of a name and that I should do something shorter and simpler. I am so glad I didn’t take heed to their advice.
You see, I had a vision for my website (and for the people that I help). A vision that I felt would come across best with the name Bloom Into Your Best Self. When we think of flowers, at some point we think of them blooming. Stick with me, there is a point within this story. . .
If you follow me on Instagram, or know me personally, you know I LOVE cherry blossoms. They are beautiful and bloom every year around the same time. I have a Cherry Blossom tree, which I have had the pleasure of observing for the past 9 years, so I know a bit about their blooming process. The process to see the blooms emerge is very slow. Sometimes the buds look dry as if they have died, but after a few months if you look closely, you will begin to notice tiny green buds which is the start of the leaves for the blossoms. These buds stay green for quite some time before they open, and again you wonder if anything is happening, But then, all of a sudden, you spot one of the green buds that has opened up into a flower. And just like that, BAM you have a bloom! Shortly after the first bloom, you will see blooming flowers everywhere, and eventually you have a tree that has completely blossomed. What’s my point?
When I thought of the name Bloom Into Your Best Self, I was thinking of the slow but gorgeous process of change that people go through. As a therapist, when someone comes to treatment, they are in the budding phase. Their hope may have died, their dreams may have died, their feeling of accomplishment may have died. BUT, there is something on the inside of them that helps them to slowly bud, and eventually you will see their green leaves slowly show up. With consistent work and treatment, one day you will look up and BAM the client has bloomed all over the place. In 2016, that is what I wanted for the client’s I worked with. I wanted them to feel like they can bloom into their best selves.
And that’s what I continue to want as I embark on this journey of shifting gears in my career. When I work with people around cultural awareness and/or Black maternal and infant health, I want them to feel like what they are getting from me is helping them bloom into their best self. I want the Black people whom I work with to feel validated, seen, and inspired to step fully into their Blackness, ultimately blooming into their best Black self! And I also want to continue to bloom into my best self, because at the end of the day I must practice what I preach.
So as we prepare to close out the first month in this new year, I want you to think of your story of blooming. Think about your growth over the years, how you have budded and eventually opened up into a full blown blossom. Also think about your process of shedding your blooms, and the process of blossoming again at a different season. Think about what means a lot to you, what’s important to you, and what you are doing (or planning on doing) to help yourself grow and bloom. When you ponder on these things, you will find some guidance towards emerging into the best version of you in 2023. Until February, make sure you do something that will help you Bloom Into Your Best Self. . .
A section just for you...
Read my last paragraph again and use those thoughts as journal prompts to help you make this year a year of growth and blooming.
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