It all started with a weird documentary 
Almost 4 years ago Trevor and I were lounging on the couch watching a documentary on how emotions affect your thoughts and actions.  The therapist being interviewed mentioned that to help her clients at the deepest level she has to understand what they are afraid of and how they are holding themselves back emotionally and literally.  So she asks them:
“What would you do if you weren’t afraid.”
At this point in time I was having a major internal struggle with myself.  I had taken a wellness coaching course in college, excelled at it,  and was positive I would have my own coaching business.  But then I fell into a career I loved, had babies, decided I was going to stay home and shelved the whole idea to wait until my kids were all in school.  
Except my entire mind and spirit was telling me NOW was the time, and my body (brain) was terrified. I didn’t know any entrepreneurs. I didn’t know a thing about marketing. I had no idea where to even start, but I felt so strongly that I needed to.  It was terrifying.
So I ignored the inner voice until that moment during the movie when my husband paused the show, turned to face me and asked, 
“Chelsea, what would you do if you weren’t afraid.”
Without hesitation the words escaped from my mouth, “I would start a coaching business.”  And then my hand flew over my mouth in horror because I knew that it was out in the world and there was no going back. 
Fast forward a few years through a cross country move, a pandemic, a job loss,  a miscarriage, financial abundance, and a beautiful rainbow baby girl this business has carried me through the highs and lows of life.  It supported us financially, and me emotionally.  It has brought some of the MOST beautiful humans into my life in the form of clients and/or business friends.  I've created relationships I'll have for life, and that overwhelms me with gratitude.  Our family has been repeatedly blessed by that one scary decision to act on what I felt called to do and I am forever grateful.   
Here we are almost 4 years later and I am again feeling called to something bigger than myself. 
I avoided it for a long while (you'd think I learned my lesson), but you can only live out of alignment for so long until you have to make a move.  
I've also been avoiding this email…mostly because I knew I would blubber and cry through it.
Maybe you've noticed I've all but disappeared from the online world.  And maybe you haven't because… algorithms (won't miss those)  But, I made one of the hardest decisions of my life two weeks ago.  And I'm just now feeling somewhat capable of sharing it.
I'm closing this chapter on my coaching and consulting business.  Maybe not forever, but definitely for the foreseeable future. 
I've been hesitant to share because I honestly needed time to grieve and to process.  To untangle pieces of my identity in being a coach and consultant. It's a LOT you know?
 If you're curious about the why feel free to keep reading, if not,  scroll down to the end of this email so I can thank you.
I'm offering an explanation, not because I feel it is owed, but because the women I've met and worked with in the last four years, women like you, First name / friend, mean the world to me and I want an opportunity to say goodbye and share my heart with you in one last Friday email.
Now that I can stand back and think about it better, my decision to step back breaks down into two simple reasons really
  1. I took a break and didn't want to go back.  Bit of a red flag right? When something you felt so passionate about, now feels less than exciting.  I had felt out of alignment for a few months and finally decided I needed to take some time and figure out the meaning of it all. And I freaking loved it.  Contrary to, I think, what we all assume when someone backs off in business… I didn't do it because I feel burnt out.  I just changed and felt a need for something different, even though I still am grateful for what I got to do. A less scheduled life is what is needed for my kids and myself right now. Who even am I?! ;)  I never thought I would enjoy having slower paced days but here I am, and we're all better for it.
  2. I'm building a business with my husband and it's way better than doing it on my own. Let's be honest, I've worked with dozens of amazing women to help me get where I am and don't for a second think I don't give them the credit they so deserve, but hopefully you catch my drift here.  It's less pressure to have a partner and I love that part.  Working alongside my best friend to help him build an additional asset in our life and for our family has been an unexpected blessing to our marriage and home.
It's anything but easy to walk away from something that has brought so much joy and fulfillment into my life (feels a bit like walking off a cliff at times honestly.)  But I truly believe sometimes God prompts you to let go of something good, because he has something even better in store.  
What would you do if you weren't afraid, First name / friend?
Whatever it is, always take action on the scary thing you feel called to do. Do it afraid, because the results will almost always blow your mind and reveal another epic version of your potential
Lastly, it is impossible to forget the real reason this business is/was such a blessing. It's You duh.
One of my previous clients crushed a launch recently and messaged me to tell me about it all and I was so honored to hold that space for her.  Another wrote me this week to tell me about her new customers and business venture and my heart exploded for her. 
So if…
  • If you ever allowed me to speak into your life whether by my weekly emails, free monthly Masterclasses, Free resources, or social media.
  • If you opened my weekly emails and laugh cried with me over my parenting fails or children's shenanigans
  • If you and I worked together in any capacity.
  • If you and I met somehow someplace and we just connected
A thousand ways thank you. I am honored and humbled to know you.
This has been a beautiful chapter in my story and I will be forever grateful to you  for allowing me to be a small part of yours 
Love your guts always,


p.s.  These days you'll find me living the mostly offline life, but I'm 100% still cheering for you behind the scenes so please feel free to reach out via email or on social anytime.  I'd love to hear from you <3

Let's connect on instagram!
