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This week, my family and I had to put our 14-year-old dog down which came as quite a surprise because this dog has been invincible. As a 25-pound dog she should have passed away the first time she ate half a bar of dark chocolate or an entire pack of sugar-free gum. 
What small dog survives that?? (I swear, that's exactly what she's doing right now—devouring bars of chocolate like the crazy girl she was.)
But she decided her time had come and we are so so so grateful everything happened so quickly. I'm still reeling from the shock of it all and there was no way I was going to be able to muster up the energy to deliver some spicy tips to your inbox this week. 
I can't pretend it's business as usual over here, but I did want to acknowledge her passing (it's what she would have wanted, she was a freak for attention), and share a few photos so you could see just how damn cute she was. 
In honor of Maizy. ❤️
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Maizy was the cutest damn puppy you'd ever seen. She weighed about 5 pounds when we first got her and she had an INSANE amount of energy. They told us she should calm down by the age of 4, but 4 came, 8 came, 12 came and she never ever chilled out. She was a crazy girl to the very end. 
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She often fell asleep in the weirdest positions and places, and her favorite, guilty pleasure was getting into the bathroom trash and chowing down tissues (so gross). We called it “nipping the towdy” because all she craved (besides dark chocolate and gum) was a little nip of toilet paper from the bathroom trash. 😂
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She wasn't a dog that liked to play fetch or go on long hikes. More than anything, she loved loafing around in whatever room people were hanging out in. We'd always call her Crazy Maizy or Lazy Maizy because she was either going absolutely wild with excitement over seeing you or loafing around in some cozy corner. 
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She was a sweet, sweet girl who tolerated all of our goofing around and she will be dearly missed. ❤️
Thanks for strolling down memory lane with me, First name / friend. It really means the world. And, I actually have a request: send me a photo (or as many as you want) of your furry family members. 
I really mean it, nothing would make me happier than to get to see the precious faces you come home to, First name / friend, or any beloved pets who have also passed. 
Give your furry loved ones a few extra squeezes for me, First name / friend
I wish our precious pets lived as long as we did, but I know that wherever they go after is as good as they are because they truly deserve the very best.
Until next week, 😘