Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your February energetic update!
Well, well, well, if it isn't the energy we were hoping for in January. February holds much more forward momentum, motivation and clarity than January did. Although we do have Mars & Mercury shadow period going on so it isn't quite as lit as it will be into March & April - it still is ramping up for sure!
Congrats on getting through the fog that January held. Did it bring up worries / fears around your security (money, home, family, health)? Good! Even if it feels funky - we can't process it unless it comes out to play. Let February be the month we take action and do something about it so that we can allow for renewal to come in (March is always good for this renewal as it is the Astrological New Year / Sping Equinox). 
New/Full Moons this month :
  • 2/5 Full Moon in Leo square Uranus - this is an intense one (link to moon event on 2/5)
  • 2/20 New Moon in Pisces (no major aspects) - stay tuned for moon event
We start Feb in Aquarius season - reminder from last month that Aqua season is asking us to share our unique gifts and find community. On 2/19 we begin Pisces Season (2/19-3/20). Pisces is the last of the 12 signs. When it is high-vibe, Pisces holds the energy of the "old soul" - filled with emotional & intuitive wisdom. If you have a lot of planets in Pisces or in your 12th house, you hold this energy. Pisces season is the inward reflection before Aries Season on 3/21 (Astrological new year, 1st sign of the zodiac). Pisces season asks us to get our mind right, our inner world feeling calm and centered. What beliefs & habits need shifting? The low-vibe watch out of Pisces are avoidance, numbing out and addictions. See these things popping up? Quick shifts are available via mindful practices, therapy, creative outlets, grounding and self care. It is a great time for deepening intuition or creative abilities. 
And the biggest reminder for Pisces Season?  PROTECT YOUR ENERGY! Pisces is a highly sensitive sign - hence the tendency to avoid / numb out as it can be overwhelming to be a sensitive human. Ask yourself "Is this my energy? Or could it be (person's) that I was just around/consoling/supporting? Find your favorite tools for getting back to your own frequency. 
Now onto my “Monthly Big 3”
February is an 9 Universal Month in Numerology. 
(2023 is a 7yr)
Collectively for the Universal 7 year, February is a 9month. 9 month is all about wrapping things up, letting go, editing out, completions and endings. Tied with the 7 year - focus on releasing some inner gunk. What beliefs that are stored in the ole subconscious that may be holding you back? Who can you forgive, set boundaries with or send appreciation to? (psst.. it can be yourself) It's also a great time to clear out your physical space - trip to the donation center!  Reminder - endings can be very good! Finish what you've started!
2023 is a Universal 7 year so I have to mention that in this newsletter as well! The 7 holds the energy of the inward journey - the connection with the subconscious. We all, regardless of your personal year, will need to tap into our intuition. A grounded practice will be necessary this year. It's also a year of knowledge and creation - what have you been wanting to deep dive? Particularly surrounding mindfulness, intuition, writing, therapy and habits. This year will allow for emotions to bubble to the surface so that we can get to the root of limiting beliefs, self sabotage, avoidance and addictive tendencies (reminder : avoidance can also look “healthy” in the form of over working). This is a year for everyone to FLOW rather than force. Go inward. Face the gunk and grow from within.
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.
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I went with an Oracle card instead of Tarot for card of the month for February. It's from one of my favorite decks, Poesis - where each card comes with a poem on their website. The card for Feb is WORK. This paired with the Numerology - I feel like it's calling us to do the work we have been pushing off. Listen to your gut, your inner calling. It's time to clear the distractions and stop the excuses (writing to myself here too, y'all haha). March comes with new beginnings and opportunities - are you going to be ready or let it pass you by? Get to work!
Here is the beautiful words from the Poesis site for this card :
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Astrology of the month
2/1 - Moon enters Cancer - listen to your intuition, tend to your environment, self care
2/3 - Sun Square Uranus - abrupt changes, reactions, accidents, surprises, impulsiveness - slow down (days surrounding)
2/4 - Moon enters Leo - play, express your creative side, romanticize your life
2/4 - Venus square mars - competitive tension in relationships, strong desires - practice compromise
**2/5 - Full moon in Leo 16 degrees square to Uranus - intense change, sudden insights, creative sparks
2/6 - Moon enters Virgo - get organized, get shit done, health, watch the inner critic
**2/6 - MERCURY OUT OF SHADOW - woot woot
2/9 - Moon enters Libra - notice if your relationships feel in balance, aesthetics, harmony, flirty
2/10 - Mercury conjunct Pluto - verbal slays, blunt, research, investigate, truths revealed!
*2/10 - Mercury enters Aquarius - mental stimulation, collaboration, equality
2/11 - Moon enters Scorpio - connect to your higher self and inner power, uncover what you crave, do witchy things, watch out for self sabotage/obsessive thoughts, emotions run wild
2/13 - Moon enters Sagittarius - be bold, take risks, go into learning or exploration mode - expand
2/15 - Moon enters Capricorn - ambition, goals, get it done, authority figures
2/16 - sun conjunct Saturn - up-level and renew your goals, setbacks are possible but happening for you (days surrounding), self discipline time
2/17 - Moon enters Aquarius - community, collaborate, get involved
**2/18 - Sun enters Pisces aka PISCES SEASON begins (until 3/20) - healing, introspection, mindfulness, feel the feels, creative expression, alone time, careful of avoidance and numbing
*2/19 - Venus in Aries (until 3/16) - be initiative in love, be direct with your feelings
2/19 - Moon enters Pisces - reflect, hermit, feel, heal, salt bath, journal, therapy sesh, meditate, Netflix in cozies
2/19 - New Moon in Pisces at 1 degree - manifest, heal, intuition, emotional new moon
2/21 - Mercury square Uranus - blunt, surprise messages, mental anxieties, nervousness
2/21 - Moon enters Aries - initiate, follow your gut, move your body
2/24 - Moon enters Taurus - get grounded, activate the senses, self worth time, take stock if you feel valued and if you value what you put your energy towards
2/26 - Moon enters Gemini - dabble, learn, express yourself
2/28 - Moon enters Cancer - listen to your intuition, tend to your environment, self care
(*) = the more asterisks, the more important / more potent
Want these all to auto-populate on your personal phone calendar? A shared calendar when these are exactly happing is included in the Astro Curious membership
That's the quick and dirty astrology! Want a more in depth look into it all and how it impacts you specifically? You can always book a 1:1 reading with me or come to my moon events ($15) where I deep dive the above and show you how to find where it's impacting your chart! 
Announcements :
This Sunday's Moon event 2/5 11:30am CST - Tickets  recorded & emailed out if you can't make it live (a lot of people watch it whenever it works for their schedule) and free for Astro Curious members.
Book a Reading - I release my schedule on the 3rd Monday of each month. I added a new reading called “Children's Charts for Parents” that has been a big hit - look into both Astrology & Human Design for your kids. Booking link HERE.
Numerology Year Ahead Readings - I have had a few people reach out about these - I usually just offer these in December but I can take on a few more - just email me and I can get you set up! They are also an add-on option to readings year round but it you are hankering for one without booking a reading - email me and I can get you set up. They are recorded and emailed to you (no need to meet live) ~25-40min long and cost $75
Join Astro Curious - Newly launched astrology shared calendar for active members!!!! My baby, my monthly membership where moon events are included + community, big discounts for workshops, direct access to me, tons of spiritual insights (human design, numerology, etc. and of course astrology updates!). Progressed Moon workshop & North Node workshop (free inside of the Membership) If you dig spirituality, this is your place - just $25/ mo and cancel anytime. JOIN HERE 
Astrocartography workshop (recording of previous workshop) - HERE  
On a personal note : 
This Feb I will be embracing the slower month and focusing on creating a good routine without the urge to take on too much. I started with a personal trainer last week and couldn't walk for a few days lol. March is always by big push - Astro New Year - duh! So, until then I need to calm my tits and take care of myself. It's been an emotional couple weeks for my family and just trying not to distract myself by overworking - instead I am trying to wade through the emotional waters. 
Cheers to navigating February's energy!
Have a lovely month ahead,
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