Hey A-Listers,
WOW, I am blown away by all the positive feedback and reach outs I got after sending out the first newsletter – thank you! This just confirms the decision and cements all the reasons Ali and I thought this would be a good idea.
Speaking of Ali (shhhh… hoping she’s asleep when we send this given the time difference), she is unashamedly known as the grammar police, even correcting typos and spelling on our casual chat groups ha ha. That English school teacher stick comes out loud and proud. Imagine my horror and dismay when I noticed an error in our first edition...GASP...my colon twisted like a Koeksister and I watched my phone like a hawk,  waiting for the message to point it out. I’ll be better, Ali! Must’ve been the excitement. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Right, so despite it being a heat wave, the makeup melting off our faces, ladies (or gents, I mean this is 2023 after all), and having enough loadshedding and outages to drive inverter, generator, gas and candle sales through the roof (invest now), there was some happy news. My significant other is turning 60 today (kids call him a “ballie” now), which is why they all flew home to celebrate. We booked a function at the gorgeous Talloula in Botha’s Hill. Glynnis has such vision and talent and was given a challenging brief. Set the room up for a masculine 60th and, after the starters, flip it into a wedding. Everyone arrived, wished Al, loved the décor and devoured their tempura prawn starters. After the starters, I snuck away and changed into a frock (remember that word!). Never mind that as of the morning before (Friday), I still had no dress! I snuck around the venue, met Al on the verandah and when everyone was called for a “group photo”, they obliged and were met with a surprise wedding, floral backdrop and all. The responses and emotion of all attending the intimate affair were overwhelming and it turned into the most memorable day. Bubbles were consumed, hugs were exchanged and on re-entering the room, it was a wedding reception with “Mr and Mrs” lights and the whole works.
Now a few of you have asked why I don’t add my surname on my signature – hold the phone. Firstly, what is Madonna’s surname? Not for a minute am I positioning myself as Madonna, our bank accounts, my curves and her cone bras would soon level the playing fields, BUT, of all the men in the world that I meet, fall in love with and marry, what are the chances that his surname would be a fruit or colour??? Seriously – it could be Potgieter, Smith, Van Der Merwe…anything! But no, Olive. Yes, Olive. 
Ladies and gentleman, I am now Peach Olive. Guess it’s better than being Peach Pip but YOH!
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This Week in the Spotlight…
Speaking of unusual names, I met an incredible lady who runs a business with an unusual name – Black Sheep Marketing. Got my attention! Curiosity might’ve killed the cat, but not me. 
I read the blurb and thought : “Honey you called my name!” The blurb went something like this :
“In 2023, women are still expected to juggle building their business with being a mother, wife, lover, sister, daughter and often there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done.  At Black Sheep Marketing  I take on all those iffy projects for you. Struggling to find the words for your social media? Give it to me. Battling to make that proposal or presentation look professional? Give it to me. My business is about supporting women in the workspace by taking on projects and tasks that I’m good at, but you may not be. 
Nikki now runs 3 of my business social media accounts (including Drinkerbell) and she is the BOMB! Get in touch.
Let us ignite your brand!
Please send me your feedback and comments, I will be doing features and specials offers galore.
Buckle up A-Listers, we are in for an amazing ride.
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