There are currently 82 properties listed under “Private Per Seller” on the HAR MLS. Only Realtors can see these PPS listings, as the listing status is meant for sellers who have complex circumstances or need much more time than an Active listing would allow for. Additionally, PPS listing are only meant to be marketed amongst Realtors and Brokers.
The current active listings range in price from $7,000 - $25MM and are located anywhere from Lufkin > Schulenburg > Galveston > The Heights > The Villages > River Oaks. Property types range from wooded lots, dirt, ranches, single family, uber luxury, and high-rises.
Does PPS even work? Yes. I currently have a PPS listing that will close before it ever hit the active market. Does this type of listing pique your interest? Looking for something on the market that seems to not exist? Call me so I can give you more details.