The Pantone Challenge is Back!
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When I first started the Pantone challenge in 2020, 
little did I know what it would become. 
Now, there are thousands of you who have taken part of the challenge each year… 
What started as a simple art challenge has turned into a creative movement.
I aim to do the Pantone challenge once a year, it’s a great way to hit creative reset and inspire new ideas into the following months. ✨
The plan for this year is to go through the Pantone challenge over the month of March, and my hope is that many of you can join me! 
If you’re with me, scroll down for details + a PDF guide!
You're Invited to the Challenge
What: A 30-day art challenge using Pantone cards to make art on a different color swatch each day. 
When: March 1 - 30
Why: Practice art consistently with a whole community, find inspiration and joy in creating art!
If you’re ready to join in, download this PDF to get started!
What's included:
  • challenge schedule
  • tips on completing 
    the challenge
  • prompts if you’re 
    feeling stuck
Mark your calendars, I can’t wait for you all to join me!
talk soon,
find us on instagram