Hey First name / producer,
Some congratulations are in order here at Dark Label Music…
Big props to our client & partner, Aaron Ferrucci. 
He was just nominated for a Juno Award (Album Of The Year) for his work with Canadian RnB artist, Ali Gatie. 
(keep reading…)
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This record is up against The Weeknd and some other big hitters, but we're crossing our fingers that Ali (and those involved) take the win! 
Award nominations are interesting whether it be a GRAMMY or Juno Award or something similar… 
Producers will send me their list of goals when we work together, and very often that list will include; winning an award for their work. 
These awards don't come with a paycheck attached to them (generally), but there are many simple ways to leverage these. 
Again, part of the game is knowing how to turn one ‘moment or win’ into more (compounding). 
When Aaron reached out to fill me in on the good news, my brain immediately went to thinking of ways to create leverage. A few things came to mind… 
~ It adds “proof” to his work on the last Ali record which increases his chances of getting onto the next one. Although he didn't produce the biggest “hit” on the album, now he has another at bat. Another shot. 
~ It builds more reputation capital in a new market that he can expand further into for freelance work and/or writing camps. If you're outside of Canada then the Juno Awards may not mean much to you, but within Canada it means a lot. 
However… Leverage doesn't work without action. 
I've also had many friends get award nominations / wins but didn't take advantage of the moment. 
This doesn't mean their career spiraled into the ground, but who knows what could have come out of striking when the iron was hot. We'll never know. 
I know that many producers want to remain humble and not ‘overtly brag’ about this kind of stuff, but that is not required to leverage it – don't worry. 
Anyway… thanks for reading my little thought of the day and shout out again to Aaron for his talent and hard work. 
Produce prosperously,
Daniel Grimmett
Dark Label Music | Nashville, TN