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This week has been the kind of week where 3 cups of coffee in a single morning has been a requirement. Computer eye drops have become a part of my daily routine. And every. single. thing. I do takes me approximately 4.7 times as long as I think it will. 
Which would be fine, if I hadn't also decided to fill every minute of my calendar with back-to-back to-dos in an attempt to catch-up and get ahead before I leave for New Orleans (this afternoon!!). 
(Confession: this is the first vacation I've taken since I started my business. And, I'm not gonna tell you how long ago that was, but… it's been too long.)
Remember that whole-ass newsletter I wrote at the beginning of January about freeing up time for creativity, First name / friend? Making more space in my calendar to do whatever I felt called to do? 
Well apparently, I can add “liar” right underneath “workaholic" because not only have I not had time for creativity, I also haven't taken time to like… leave my room, or shower.
(I'm not gonna lie to you, First name / friend, if you saw me, you'd be able to tell. 😬)
When I sat down to write this newsletter, I had every intention of using the whole beginning spiel as the perfect set-up for how I've still been getting inquiries despite my utter lack of engagement (and posting) on social media these past few weeks…
thanks entirely to my website. 
And that's ABSOLUTELY true. 
But after rereading what I started with, the only thing I could think was, girl, take a f*cking break. 
The truth is, I'm great at convenient self-care. 
The kind of self-care that gets tucked into morning routines and slots of time marked as optional. 
And when I have lots of time on my hands, I'm taking damn good care of myself— meditating, working out, being creative, spending time with friends, taking long walks, sitting around doing nothing. You get the picture. 
But when push comes to shove and things start getting busy, the first thing I sacrifice is myself. 
And that's a habit I'd love to unlearn starting now. 
By giving myself permission to not write my typical newsletter jam-packed with juicy tips and to instead, be honest with you, First name / friend
True self-care isn't about convenience. 
It's about listening to what you need and honoring that–even if it feels as uncomfortable as this does. 
(Because not writing my typical newsletter and sharing the behind the scenes of my life feels wildly uncomfortable, way more so than putting out a polished newsletter.)
I'm hoping you won't think of me as some lazy slacker looking for a convenient excuse, but rather that you'll find this to be painfully relatable AND as a sign to give yourself permission to take care of you.
Despite the to dos on your to-do list. 
Despite the relentless demand to churn out content consistently, no matter what's going on in your life. 
Despite the fears you may have of what others will think of you if you let your professional presence slip and show your behind-the-scenes, messy side. 
So in my attempt to take better care of myself, I'm closing my laptop and getting outside of these damn room because it's beyond needed.
I'm making a conscious decision to practice the habit of not only listening to my needs, but actually honoring them. 
And I hope that this inspires you and gives you the space to do the same.❤️

Until next week, lovely!
With lots of love (and a little bit of spice ),
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