Good Morning My Friend  - Lynn here.
Hello, popping in to say hi to share a story about Astrology and an energy tip for your week ahead.  
We have the Spring Equinox coming in hot tomorrow and with the start of Aries season, the energy may feel a little spicy if you're a more sensitive soul like me.  
Many of us are Empaths and deeply feel the energy of others so depending on the energy coming in from other planets, you may feel it more than others.
Why I Love Astrology
Years ago, I spent a girl's weekend getaway in the mountains, designed specifically for women. "Camp Mom" was a grown-up version of a Girl Scout retreat tailored for moms. The trip was a fun, no-frills mix of outdoor activities like horseback riding and laid-back treats like massages and prepared meals. However, one memory that has stayed with me from that weekend piqued my interest. As we sat around the table, about ten of us, on our last night together, I met a mom who was a trained Astrologist. She offered each of us personalized readings, diving into our zodiac signs and sharing insights about our personality traits and tendencies. 
The accuracy of her readings was amazing and her lighthearted remark about my Aries daughter keeping me on my toes proved quite prophetic and intrigued me even more. I was instantly hooked and craved to know more about the mystical.
As a Virgo, my innate curiosity and desire for self-improvement led me down an intriguing path into Astrology and the fascinating realm of energy healing.
This journey has not only deepened my understanding of myself but has also given me insights into the inner wiring of others on a profound level.
I feel fortunate to have discovered practical tools that simplify discovering the hidden parts of ourselves that we keep buried. Yet, we secretly know we need to acknowledge and ultimately heal.
Astrology can be practical on a psychological and scientific level too. 
It's incredible to imagine, but we're all made up of energy! 
Science is realizing how we're all connected to the Earth and the Cosmos. It's an exciting time to be alive and to learn about all the new discoveries.
We're all unique and individually designed, like the unique positioning of the planets at the time and place of our birth. 
Each of us has a unique chart showing our "inner wiring."
We are uniquely wired, making our personalities neither inherently good nor bad. Our individual quirks and characteristics result from how we connect with the universe's life force energy. 
The study of Astrology helps us see how our life experiences and growth relate to the universe's energy and each other. 
Life can be truly magical when we're plugged in and connected to our divinity (life force energy) and the Earth. 
Living any other way can feel restrictive and rigid. It's like running a vacuum on the carpet without plugging it into an electrical outlet. 
We are our own technology with direct access to divine wisdom if we stay connected and aligned with our authentic selves.
Energy healing tools, like astrology, help us better understand our internal wiring and how we can use it for greater self-awareness. It can be a fun way to get to know ourselves, our inner mechanics, and our "glitches."
Self-awareness and mindfulness are crucial to navigating our life with ease and grace when life goes haywire. 
These tools help us to be present so we don't get stuck living in the past or worrying about the future.
When we stay plugged into our divinity, we keep our energy levels elevated, and it becomes easier to let go of fear when it arrives in our energy field.
Thanks for reading my story, I hope something in it resonates with you!! 
Love + Wellness to you!
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Energy reading from my “Trust Your Vibes” deck for you!
Reignite your inner fire and try to let go of any stagnant or stuck energy this week.
There's been a lot of static in the air so let’s get ourselves grounded. 
Check out my blog for tips on connecting with the Earth.
It's a good time to work up a sweat this week! 
A healthy dose of physical energy gets your energy flowing in the right direction, up!
It elevates your frequency.
Your brain may work overtime with all the static going on in the world and exercise with your favorite tunes will quiet overactive mind chatter to help you connect you with your divine spirit.
Shifting your energy with music and movement will jumpstart your intuitive abilities and your creativity.
If your energy is feeling stuck or heavy, exercise will raise your frequency to help clear the heaviness away. 
We don’t need to drag the heaviness of our old baggage from the past into our future.  
It just weighs us down and takes up space for something new and lighter to come in. 
Have a good energetic week!
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