Life is like riding a bicycle.  To keep your balance, you must keep moving."
- Albert Einstein
Hi Team! 
Ah, balance.  This isn’t just the ability to stand on one leg successfully, or do my nemesis, the "half-moon" posture in yoga.  But this is also about life goals, right?  What we always strive for between running crazed and doing nothing.
There is a reason it is often called "delicate".  Because once you find a balance point, your work isn't over.  You and your body know when you find the sweet spot of balance, but to keep it, your body, (and mind!), are constantly readjusting to what life throws at you.  The best analogy is the duck.  It looks calm on the top of the water, but is constantly paddling underneath, to keep itself afloat and moving where it needs to go.
To achieve balance is the bringing together of many systems (just like in life).  Balance is affected by your vision, your ears, your foot/ankle proprioception (and general proprioception/kinesthetic awareness which is the ability to know where you are at in space), and your hip/gluteal strength (there is a reason we emphasize Sunday BumDay!).  
This month's newsletter videos show just a few items that you can practice for balance training, emphasizing the importance of hip stability and gluteal strength/control. While practicing a balance position is important to becoming better at it, sometimes you must go back to the basics and build up some glute and core strength first to get into these trickier positions.
Here is a quick test! When you stand on one leg (safely by a counter as needed to prevent falls!), does the other hip/pelvis dip down?  If so, this is an indication that you are not using one of your glute muscles on the standing leg because it cannot maintain an even pelvis when you are standing on that leg. Remember, 50% of the time when you are walking, technically you should be on one leg.  Now, imagine if every time you are on one leg, you are not firing your glute muscles like you should be and your hip is slightly dipping.  What kind of repetitive stress or potential issues does this set you up for?  
If your balance is not where you would like it to be, or if you want to try and figure out why this is the case, please call or message today and let's work on it together!  
Upcoming Holidays & Activities (always room to celebrate!):
Now that 2023 is well on its way, and the valley has survived Superbowl madness, etc., do we just coast into Spring? Nope!   Although we're a little behind on American Heart Month & Valentine's Madness, we are still here for:
February 22: Sports & Fitness Day
February 23: Play Tennis Day
February 26 & 27:  Aerial Days
With all of that, look for us to be celebrating the importance of being active with whatever you can do and appreciating all our Aerial Friends and their achievements.
March 12th: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Roosevelt Row Open House at Elevate Aerial Yoga @ 3rd Avenue & RooseveltWe'll be there with our chair, doing all the trigger point things!
Don't forget, we now also have a room at Elevate Aerial Yoga for additional appointments as needed so that you can be treated where you work out!Questions or comments? Shoot me a DM or give me a follow @bettefittherapyaz or send an email at Have an amazing start to Spring and see you out there!  are the problem and not the body's attempt at helping a lack of core control). At Better Fit Therapy, I love to help people find their vision for the future again.  Let's figure out where you would like to see yourself, and then let's work together through what perceptions, etc., might be limiting you from getting there.If you want to learn more and stay in the loop, give me a follow on social media or shoot me a DM with any questions! @betterfittherapy
Have an amazing start to Spring and see you out there!
