First name / Friend,
Please excuse my scribbled-on Bible cover pictured above…it's evidence that I live with a pen-obsessed toddler. She is the reason I've been examining my womanhood as of late. You see, now that she's two years old, I notice how she observes me and mimics my mannerisms. I'm passing an embodiment of femininity onto her. My womanhood is shaping the woman she will become.
After studying Scripture one February morning, I wrote the following in my journal…
“The Lord no longer wants me to view myself from a place of inadequacy (possessing the inability to handle a situation), lack (the state of being without or not having enough), or a fearful temperament (being disturbed by fear). INSTEAD, He has made me a new creation in Christ. The ”old" Kate has passed away. Behold the “new” Kate has come into being! (2 Corinthians 5:17)
The Lord is asking me to no longer view myself as inadequate or to live disturbed by fear. Instead, He wants me to view myself in the same way that He does: hidden in Christ and living out my new nature of “mighty woman of valor” as found in Proverbs 31:10-31."
In Christ…
I possess inner strength
I'm capable
I'm proactive
I'm energetic
I'm caring
I'm beautiful
I'm dignified
I'm peaceful
I'm wise
I'm kind
I worship and adore the LORD
…and sweet First name / friend, you are too! The Lord has created us to be women of strength and when we step into His workmanship, He is glorified.
The Hebrew word used for virtuous found in Proverbs 31:10 is chayil which is the same exact word that the Angel of LORD (Jesus Christ pre-incarnate) used when He called Gideon a “mighty man of valor” in Judges 6:12. In Proverbs 31:10 it is translated as virtuous, however, that word choice is a little lacking.
A woman of faith who exudes “chayil” has an internal reservoir of dependence on God. She is strong and courageous in the face of the “impossible” because she has, with diligence, stored up the Word of God in her heart. The Bible instructs, “…for out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45)
She has laid a groundwork (a firm foundation) that she's building her life upon. She knows the promises of God and she trusts Him. She has spent time in communion with Him and knows His heart towards her. She knows He is faithful. Her peace is unshakeable and she can stand in His victory.
A woman of chayil character is one who exudes warmth, care, and kindness to those around her. She is not only loving to her family and close friends, but she looks for opportunities to bless everyone she encounters. From a warm greeting to the cashier checking her out to giving her resources to those in need.
Her beauty is not vanity. She takes time to care for herself and to present herself well, but she is not consumed by it like the social media-obsessed culture she lives in. She inspires and influences by her very demeanor which communicates grace, elegance, and dignity.
There's so much more I could say about chayil, but my intent is that this email doesn't turn into a novel.
I hope this quick note has encouraged (and challenged) you to step into the feminine, mighty woman of valor that the Lord has called you to be! God intended for you to be clothed in strength and to be a blessing to everyone you encounter. The Lord has made space for you to be industrious, prosperous, elegant, joyful, strong, resourceful, energetic, compassionate, wise…
When you and I step into the womanhood that Jesus purchased for us, we are seen as trustworthy and our lives become blessings to others. We carry forth good reputations that reflect the love of Jesus Christ and the goodness of His Kingdom. Our families excel and our daughters are brought up to carry forth the same eternal torch of valor for His Kingdom and His glory!