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Are you ready for this?!
Something amazing is waiting for you!
I'm excited to share this with you
Thank you so much for reaching out to me about your interest in potentially becoming a Seint Artist. I am so excited for you to learn more about this opportunity, and how it has impacted my life! I'm sure you have TONS of questions on how this company operates. I have to lead off with sharing this: YOU DO NOT need any experience in makeup or business/sales OR have a huge social media following to be successful in this business. What you DO need is willingness to learn and try new things, be coachable, and to realize that like anything in life - you will get out what you put into it! 
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The perks...
-Incentive Trips
-Work from your phone
-Earn Free Makeup and Skincare 
-Empowering community
-Personal and Financial Growth
-Gain Lifelong Friends
-Yearly Company Convention
-5 paychecks a month
-Bonus pay
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What you need zero of...
-Commissions I make off your kit
-Sales minimums required
-Inventory needed
-Customer auto shipments
-Makeup experience needed 
-Money you will earn if you DON'T give it a shot! 
-PRESSURE, ever! 
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I could talk all day about this opportunity and what it has done for me personally. But I will keep it short and sweet! This “makeup gig” started out as something fun for me to dabble in on my journey to fulfillment. On top of being a mom of 4 and I knew for my happiness and the sake of my family--something had to give. Seint boosted my confidence and gave me a new sense of purpose as well as connected me to a whole new community of women. I can honestly say, something that I thought would be a few extra bucks a month, has turned into something I love to do each day. 
The possibilities are 
 in this fast rising business.
I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary with Seint this January. I have loved every minute of this journey from sharing our amazing products to sharing this life-changing opportunity. I take on a mentor/leader role with my team by providing constant support and motivation. I will be your biggest cheerleader! My favorite and most unexpected part of this journey has been the personal growth. I can't wait to watch you SHINE! 
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I hope this answered most of your immediate questions. Sincerely, I love this job. I love helping women feel beautiful in their own skin! If you feel that this could be something for you too - then do this with me! Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. We can schedule a 1:1 chat, or if you're ready to join me then hit that link below! 
Get in here, Gorgeous! 