How to help your child to stop picking on food?
We struggled in the past, and still struggle, with my younger daughter who is really extremely picky with her food!
In the beginning, it doesn't pose such a big issue, but as child grows older, being limited to only 10 or less different meals? It really brings down the joy of eating for other family members. 
Because of her fussy eating, I decided to investigate and see how I can help her. I hope my investigation can help you and your child as well. 
Read our suggestions here: HOW TO DEAL WITH PICKY EATERS!
Here are things you will find about:
  • Is your child showing signs of Oral Avoiding Behavior?
  • Has your child crossed the line between picky eater and problem eater?
  • How you can help them as a family?
  • Recommended reading from therapist table.
Don't miss out the ways to help your fussy eater:
You can also find some tools to make meal time more fun here:
(click on a link to open in browser and download)
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